Melanie's not supposed to be particularly beautiful either, as I recall. The only comment I can recall Scarlett making about her was that the Wilkes family inbreeding was evident in her looks. Of course, Scarlett WAS a little biased . . .
Melanie's not supposed to be particularly beautiful either, as I recall. The only comment I can recall Scarlett making about her was that the Wilkes family inbreeding was evident in her looks. Of course, Scarlett WAS a little biased . . .
It's the same problem with casting any romance, and triply so when your core audience is teenagers: every straight 15-year-old girl who read that book had a picture in her head of exactly who she thought Augustus was, and when movie casting deviates even ten percent from that mental image, they flip out.
Sadly, only one or two of the contributing writers to this article are under 30. It would be nice if, after losing most? (all?) of their film writers who knew anything about movies made before they were born, they would hire at least ONE to replace them.
Liz Taylor in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, too!
Tell that to every staff member of Photoplay, Motion Picture Magazine, Screen Life, et cetera!