
Base slander! He was Salvadoran.

Yeah, the stuff I was first introduced to as dubstep had few hooks — nothing you could dance to — and generally required too much patience on the listener's part to have made it on mainstream radio.

I'd say "All Things Considered" goes to the Twilight Zone, but pretty much the same thing. That said, I think it's best approached blind. The first couple episodes don't have all the elements nailed down and a lot of people start off going "what the fuck is this?" but figuring out the rules of the setting is half the

If there was any doubt that Random Roles is the AVC's best feature, I think this article pretty much settled it. Kudos to Will Harris, quite possibly the best writer left on the site (even if he did make a few typos).

Yeah he's an excellent villain or ensemble player and seems to have a knack for cranky dads, but his only leading man role in this interview was in a half-hour short.

I'd never heard of it but I just watched it. It sort of feels like a rough draft for Groundhog Day, but without anything approaching a happy ending. Funny that neither of them mentioned that. Especially since they'd already brought up Bill [Murray].

It's too bad those Norwegian guys found their excavation site and all Kurt Russell's friends got killed though.

This trailer is pretty weak, honestly. The editing is choppy and some of the clips they went with are all wrong. Plus Clint Mansell is a great composer, but I think the original Disparition score fits the tone a lot better.

Yeah the live show was great, but Cecil the actor isn't Cecil the character. Just like he was on a stage instead of in a recording booth.

There are also a lot of strange running gags and weird background details that you won't pick up on if you only listen to one or two episodes. Things that seem like random one-off asides, like the fact that no one in Nightvale believes in mountains or people getting sick with a bad case of "throat spiders" keep coming

Yeah, I've always been fond of it too, but it's a little uneven and far less accessible than the poppy stuff that came before it, hence it's rep, I think.

And they really didn't get good until they stopped making gloomy college rock and let those whiz kids at Warner Bros show them how to make REAL music.

We (naturally) got to discussing this song on the Everybody Hurts article, and I had whole lengthy defense of this song you can look up if you want, but you don't want to, so I'll just give you the takeaway. JUST LISTEN TO THE FUCKING SONG. Don't watch the stupid music video (as if REM had any other kind), don't get

Yeah, Shiny Happy People, is on Out of Time 1991(one of my favorite albums) which is pretty much the point when they went from college rock darlings to arena-filling superstars, based largely on the strength of its singles. The next two albums, Automatic for the People (92), and Monster (94) sold even better (even

"Novelty song," is one of those labels that doesn't really mean a lot. I mean, shouldn't any good song have some novelty? I guess you can argue that a true novelty song is one that doesn't have anything going for it besides novelty, but that's not really a fair description of R.E.M.'s pop period. Admittedly some

All three, actually.

Yeah, but there's a big difference between saying "this song has stupid lyrics," or "this song has vocals I find grating," both of which are perfectly valid complaints about Rush or REM, or lots of other bands and what this shitweasel did. Shiny Happy People may be a borderline novelty song that got overplayed and

Yeah, what the fuck does that even mean? Is he seriously saying that going up to people and randomly poking them is a common thing to do? How, exactly, is that supposed to be like writing a song? The whole analogy is just strange and baffling, really.

So does my mom. I always thought it was pretty meh, myself, but I watched it with a friend, who hated it, and couldn't really defend it. The scene where Molly wanders off for a minute and is next seen dangling over an ANCIENT ALIEN TIME PORTAL is just preposterous and the ending is "just-so" contrived storytelling at

let's not get crazy here.