It means Sam Adams isn't a very good writer.
It means Sam Adams isn't a very good writer.
Who you calling "he" you anti-robot bigot? The Artificially Autonomous Domestic and Office Worker Drone is fully self-aware and can critique twenty films an hour, but it was built with neither gender nor genitals. Using a gendered pronoun to describe it is offensive to fully asexual machine intelligences everywhere.
Yeah as soon as the adorable golden retriever/yellow lab/whatever shows up, it's pretty much gold. I only saw Up once (because I'm a grown-up now and don't watch movies over and over), but it might be my favorite Pixar movie.
I was hoping it would be the zombie virus someone had finally isolated.
Dahl was definitely a womanizer and kind of a dick, but these guys rushing to demonize him are doing him and the readers a huge disservice. That article Trurl posted is pretty clearly written for shock value. The second paragraph starts with "Even from his earliest days, he was a hateful little fuck," but the only…
You mean "the Ayatollah". Ayatollah is the name of the persian Prince cover band I just made up.
No that's from "NOTHING" the nihilist musical.
Ol' Double-A Dowd don't like nothin less it's got stunnin cinematography.
The other thing is "rare earth" minerals are called that for a reason. We'd have to mine a whole hell of a lot more than we have been at terrible environmental cost and even then the supply wouldn't last forever. I'm confident that people can find a way to make efficient large scale solar collectors, but just taking…
You've been making some really bitter posts lately. Whatever happened to the kindly old gnome who always knew the best cantrip to cure a hangover (it's not Dancing Lights, btw)?
I'm with you. It's one of those phrases that just reeks of trying too hard.
The fact that a team shooter has a crafting system at all still makes me scratch my head.
As a straight guy who still hasn't figured out how to ask girls out, I'm forced to concede this point to IdiotKing. Not only are an awful lot of straight girls unwilling to make the first move even (or maybe especially) when they really like a guy, but sometimes I'm convinced they think we're psychic. The things I've…
Full agreement on the relationship advice (he's gotten better at it over the years though, probably because he's married with kids now), but I have to say his perspective on sex is more limited than I think he realizes. I don't know if he was influenced by gay hook-up culture or years of fighting off "slut shamers" or…
I'm not sure there's a community left in mainstream America that hasn't come to terms with divorce. I can remember plenty of times growing up where having both parents together actually made me the outsider. There are still plenty of fundamentalist communities where divorce is considered a tragedy, but it's an…
She really should woman up and get a fucking job. Even if her resume is blank, the fact that she's managed to raise four kids means she has been learning skills. She probably knows other moms who could use a babysitter, or she could clean houses, or she could provide care for elderly or disabled people, or she could…
Yeah it seems like the mistake a lot of people make is contrasting all marriages with all divorces. I can understand the basic logic that no one gets married hoping for a divorce, so obviously a healthy marriage is the ideal, but we don't don't live in an ideal world. An unhealthy marriage is probably worse than an…
I think it really depends on the marriage and the divorce to say which is preferable. Some people are much better parents when they're not trapped in a loveless relationship, but divorces also have a sad tendency to tear families apart. Even if neither parent really did anything "wrong" custody laws and the…
Plus the first couple years living away from home are hard enough even with happy, supportive parents to go home to. Having those parents break up seems like it would be an especially traumatic way to learn that you can't go home again.
You're coming off as ignorant, UWIR. There is such a thing as sex addiction (no scare quotes necessary) and it's horrible for those that have it. It's usually associated with certain mental illnesses and personality disorders that this guy doesn't seem to have. Real sex addiction is a compulsion and like all…