Seriously, that was pretty irresponsible advice. If her name is on the lease, just up and walking out could land her in a whole heap of shit.
Seriously, that was pretty irresponsible advice. If her name is on the lease, just up and walking out could land her in a whole heap of shit.
Also, the humble-brag at the end about all the great sex she's had since then kinda made me want to hurl.
I don't even think the virginity thing was the real issue. Ignoring their supposed sexual incompatibility, they were A) incredibly young and immature to be getting married B) bought into an absurd fantasy of what marriage is and C) had no communication whatsoever.
That article lost me at "It wasn’t all his fault." Because aside from the three-minutes-and-done thing male virgins are famous for, all the problems she mentioned seemed to be her doing. She was completely disinterested in sex, spent the whole time trying to think about other things, and lied to her husband about how…
She's really the anchor of the show to the extent that I got mad when O'Neal said it was about "two guys who work in IT." If you go back and watch the first episode, Jen is very much presented as the protagonist and viewpoint character and we don't even see the other two until like ten minutes in.
Honestly I'd be extremely surprised if those two characters got happy endings. Arya in particular is walking a very dark path and doesn't seem likely to come out unscathed.
Yeah College Radio seems to have the best playlists and the worst DJs. Also they'll play wildly different genres depending on who's working that day. Better hope you like underground hip hop AND 50s big band
What? There's a rich tradition of punk you can dance to. Blitzkrieg Bop, Rock the Casbah, or anything from the CBGB crowd really. Just because a certain class of punk purists won't listen to anything with a decent beat doesn't mean we have to agree with them.
Yeah that's just bad practice. Professional therapists typically need multiple appointments before they feel comfortable making a formal diagnosis, Dr. Drew apparently just watches E!
The big issue with drugs that still doesn't get brought up enough is they disproportionally hurt people with untreated mental illnesses. A drug that makes you feel happy and carefree doesn't mean that much for most people. But if you have an incipient mental illness that makes it almost impossible for you to feel…
Man, you can get rectal tearing just from shitting too hard. I know because it uh happened to an, um, friend of mine. Getting pounded in the ass can't be any safer than that. Do anal right (slowly, with lube) and probably no one will get hurt, but as the most graphic Savage Love column I've ever read taught me, doing…
Yeah my experience is there's basically a spectrum of conceitedness that goes like this: Genuine humility/shyness ("I hate talking about myself") > nervous self-effacers (the stereotypical self-loathing stand-up comic) > frank informers (think David Atenborough telling you about birds) > charismatic hosts (guys who…
Addiction is serious shit and long-term addicts are pretty much mentally ill by definition. Denigrating these damaged, desperate people as "grandstanding whores" is pretty dickish.
Wouldn't he have to be a real doctor to have non-TV patients? Where's the money in that?
I'm with you. If I were running a rehab facility I wouldn't let this ghoulish fuck anywhere near my patients. Whoever the greedy ratbastards supposedly treating these "celebrities" were, they did their clients a horrific disservice. If I were a member of one of the deceased's family, I'd be pressing charges.
Honestly, O'Neal was being too kind. Any "survey" where almost a quarter of the results go unreported isn't worthy of the word.
The spaceship thing was people getting mad because it shows the enterprise getting all trashed. Of course, that's what happens in every star trek movie…
Grayscale is more like if psoriasis and leprosy had a baby and that baby caught necrotizing fascitis. I thought the makeup did it justice.
Yeah, not having Shagwell will mean they'll have to come up with some other fool for Brienne to run into on Crackclaw Point. It'll be just like replacing Vargo Hoat with Random Northman. It just won't have the same punch.
The fetus jars were just stupid. Selyse is a little unbalanced and overzealous in the books, but this just her look fucking bonkers. I mean is that really the only way they could think of addressing her stillbirths? Because it doesn't work. I watched it with some guys who hadn't read the books and they were like "what…