
Asimov is a mixed bag because in his early career he was paid by the word and in his later career he devoted a lot of his time to expanding series that really didn't need expansion, but he was so damn prolific (betcha didn't know he's the only writer to be published in every single Library of Congress category) and

You're the one who wrote the incomprehensible article, Einstein. Also don't respond to your own comments. It makes you sound desperate.

"They all speak in Svenonius’ voice, though, a mix of Situationist sloganeering and Theodor Adorno-esque aesthetic antagonism."

Agatha Christie, Isaac Asimov, Terry Pratchett, and Stephen King all were/are incredibly prolific and in certain circles have a huge stigma attached to them for writing "genre fiction," but you could probably point to any of them and say "that person has written at least twenty good books" and most literary types

So I read Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy and it was pretty good romantic fantasy.  The second book is definitely the weakest though, and it's one of those cases where, superficially, the book looks done — it has a beginning, middle, and end and all the sentences have periods in them — but it was obviously

I don't think it's fair to lump every epic fantasy writer in with the Robert Jordans and Terry Goodkinds of the world. Most long running series have some bloat, but good authors can get past it. The Lord of the Rings just about dies on the page when they get to Rivendell and all these new characters and setting

I saw my friend's shelf with the first eleven or twelve of them, noted that most series don't take up more space than an oxford dictionary, and went to read something shorter, like all 30-something Discworld books.

The Wheel of Time series is an enduring testament to the transformational power of bad fantasy art. A fantasy author hasn't really "made it" until generically handsome ren-faire rejects start appearing on their covers in stupid poses. Sure some authors might complain that their character "doesn't look like that" or

Most "bad trip" weed stories I've heard are really "bad friend" stories. Like when my college roommate's asshole friends decided that the best way to introduce him to weed was to give him a shit-ton of keef and see what happens. Then when he went catatonic they just dumped him back at the dorm and I got to spend the

Witness Jerome Short, a thirty-one-year-old accountant from Cincinnati Ohio. He lives alone in a well-maintained old brownstone with his cat, Smackers. His life is ordinary, comfortable, and unremarkable, but in just a few moments, his ordinary life will get a dose of the extraordinary. For you see, the stoic Mr.


None of those posts should have been liked, but actually paying attention to how many 'likes' anything has is even less forgivable.

Yeah ditto, I live in southern california where there are supposed to be movie stars everywhere, but the most famous person I've ever met is probably my congressman. Clearly, I'm going to the wrong parties.

Yeah ditto, I live in southern california where there are supposed to be movie stars everywhere, but the most famous person I've ever met is probably my congressman. Clearly, I'm going to the wrong parties.

Lots of well respected musicians had real jobs to pay the rent. There are plenty of guys out there chasing the Indie rock dream who would probably be happier working regular hours for regular pay and just rocking out on the weekends. It worked for the Sultans of Swing.

Lots of well respected musicians had real jobs to pay the rent. There are plenty of guys out there chasing the Indie rock dream who would probably be happier working regular hours for regular pay and just rocking out on the weekends. It worked for the Sultans of Swing.

[My initial post seems to have gotten deleted (because I swore?), but for those who are just joining us, it was basically what Maritime said with more fucks in there.]

He's dead on about fucking Nevermind. I like Nirvana (at least in theory), but some of the songs on that album send me up the fucking wall. It's not even their best album and half of it feels like apathetic self-parody. Everything from the quiet-LOUD grunge chorus in every fucking song to the meaningless bullshit

Yeah that's the subtext of a lot of these reviews. Nabin's life isn't that thrilling (not that that stops him from writing about it), so he gets pissed when people with great material waste it.

I haven't seen it in ages, but I remember it was impressively comic booky. I'll be damned if i remember anything else about it though.