olive snook

Counter-argument: Hannibal.

Great use of Exhibits.

I am pretty sure that Neal and Rumple were one and the same all episode - but they weren't in 2 places at once, it was more like one or the other of them would be in control, and the other would be suppressed, and then it would reverse. I think? That's why they would both look so confused when the other Oncers would

I'm guessing it's just an autocorrect error but "Nealbagelfire" is very funny. And I was also surprised at how much emotion I felt over his death.

EXACTLY! how could I resist bursting into laughter at that reveal?!

Yea, how have I come to enjoy the Jabberwocky after her bizarre introduction - all bad wigs and overacting?! The characters on this show have consistently won me over, even when I was initially repelled by them (see: Cyrus; Ana)

I would love for some of this cast to wander into Storybrooke

Couldn't agree more with your assessment of the series

This is completely true, and almost made me give up the show 2 episodes in, but I inexplicably stuck with it, and it morphed into a really well told story (though the CGI has never improved), and I'll miss this cast together

I wonder if they'll try to bring in any of this cast to Once Prime. I'd like to see the Knave and Ana (who I assume will be undeaded in the finale) move into Will's Storybrooke condo

Preach! Though I'm very sad to see it come to an end and lose this cast, they wouldn't have written such a good story under other circumstances

Loved the episode for everything you mentioned as well.

That Bash was a whole different person than the one we have now :)

Yes, a much needed plot thread!

BAHAHAHAH - me during the whole wedding scene. OK more later. Oh, Reign.

I second a Matthew Rhys nomination.

I always have to turn CC on for this show because I seem to miss every other line. It's quiet and fast. Not just you!

Don't remind me! RIP Will :(

True. It would have been nice if this had been her break-through, coming to her son's rescue, but we have 2 more episodes for that to happen (hopefully).

My continued heartbreak over Kendal is torturous at this point.