olive snook

My fiance was in the same room working on something when I screamed, "OH MY GOD THE KING JUST FUCKED A WOMAN OUT A WINDOW!" He was not as amused as I.

I frankly don't know, and have not read any of the Raylan stories. You raise good points.

Kenna is clearly the worst person ever.

Yea they needed to make it clear that Bash found French Ygritte and her brother soon after killing those guards, and then made it so he'd been living with them for these 2 months. Bash on his own in the woods for that long makes zero sense.

And survived in the woods for months and months on her own, apparently. Iffy, but it was a fun reveal. "it's the boar!" - cut to a wild woman running on all fours for no reason.

I think they're building to something too, and while I'm a huge fan of fantasy and supernatural aspects in my shows, there's a chance they don't pull off the reveal on this one. Of course, we'll see, and I hope I'm wrong!

Henry and Catherine working together is so much fun. Them trying to figure out how servants clean their clothes was definitely the highlight. No wait, it was the scenes of them carrying/dragging a body in a gorgeous coverlet through dark castle corridors. Or maybe it was Henry's ridiculous attempts at making France

King Henry, the mistress serial killer. Can't wait!

Total Ygritte wannabe. That's who I thought of too.

You guys, the King and Queen of France just Mr. Pamuk'd the Duchess of Bohemia. Oh this show!

Close! Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, the Once Upon a Time limited series spin-off to Once Upon a Time.

That some of us don't have the great taste in TV to watch Reign, OUaTiW, and Vampire Diaries on Thursday nights instead? :)

They definitely need their own spin-off.

That is joyous news, indeed!

Kendall breaks my heart every episode. I am so nervous for him. And he definitely will have a part to play in these last 4.

Or could be a different position at Glynco.

Never google image search "rat king." NEVER.

Hey, this is not impossible!

#nostradumbass indeed

Oh gees I'd forgotten about so much of that, thank you for setting me straight. And you're right I jumped to a conclusion that Cyrus's brothers and himself = all the genies ever. I think I felt that way because if there are other ones, why spend so much time and effort on Cyrus? Go find another one, Jafar, ya big