olive snook

Andrew Lincoln, who I now only see as Rick Grimes, which really only enhances the viewing experience actually

Andrew Lincoln, who I now only see as Rick Grimes, which really only enhances the viewing experience actually

DAMON IN UNIFORM.  holy swoon!  moving on…

DAMON IN UNIFORM.  holy swoon!  moving on…

yea i was actually pretty shocked they used that song - they have to know it was in the first Twilight, and since TVD is pretty anti-Twilight in many ways (including a season 1 line from Damon during that whole Caroline-compulsion-situation), I was surprised they'd invite the comparison. 

yea i was actually pretty shocked they used that song - they have to know it was in the first Twilight, and since TVD is pretty anti-Twilight in many ways (including a season 1 line from Damon during that whole Caroline-compulsion-situation), I was surprised they'd invite the comparison. 

that's why i said preview spoiler :)

that's why i said preview spoiler :)

sure!  i'm working at the Pie Hole til close today

sure!  i'm working at the Pie Hole til close today

an interesting episode for me.  I was not as annoyed as a few weeks ago, including Rayna in the mayoral plot actually slightly helped those scenes out, and I'm actually starting to like, or at least sympathize with, Juliette, something I didn't think possible after the pilot.  but like Todd and a lot of the other

an interesting episode for me.  I was not as annoyed as a few weeks ago, including Rayna in the mayoral plot actually slightly helped those scenes out, and I'm actually starting to like, or at least sympathize with, Juliette, something I didn't think possible after the pilot.  but like Todd and a lot of the other

I love this comment

I love this comment

also thought that was going to be the follow-up, but I'm reallllly hoping they don't go there because I have such a soft spot for Zach. he's just precious, and I want no harm (or statutory rape charges) to come to him!

also thought that was going to be the follow-up, but I'm reallllly hoping they don't go there because I have such a soft spot for Zach. he's just precious, and I want no harm (or statutory rape charges) to come to him!

I like your reasoning and liked for "Steve Martin's daughter"

I like your reasoning and liked for "Steve Martin's daughter"

@AnnaDraperCancerConspiracy:disqus lol loved your reply.  and my bad - absolutely a typo re King Midas.  I meant King George aka g.d. Widmore.

@AnnaDraperCancerConspiracy:disqus lol loved your reply.  and my bad - absolutely a typo re King Midas.  I meant King George aka g.d. Widmore.