Dino Sex Mafia

Is she Shelby Fero? In my mind, she is.

"Pulled him out, carried him on your back"
I love how they have to slip in to dialogue that she was carrying him human-shield style instead of I-don't-want-the-kid-to-get-shot style.

I feel like Walt knew the police were listening. He may have been protecting the family with that threat/confession.

With this quote, google has recognized your achievement.

It dawned on me that Jesse never knows when people care about him.

It's hard to pick up on, but Jesse's dialect doesn't always hold close to written norms

Since when does one show constitute high-volume mediocrity?

Aaron Sorkin is the Stephen King of television.

The worst

Allen Gregory?

I'll have to rewatch it, thank you

What was the Albert Brooks quote you were referencing? I'm a little slow on the uptake.

No one saw through the weird inflections on the shoddily edited video? Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

A megabyte isn't cool, you know what's cool? A gigabyte.

"I wasn't holding onto the kid"
Neither was she, that's why he died and she didn't.

13 minutes in, fucking funeral, amirite?

"Grab onto my back, I have to run away from some gunfire"

Don't live in the past

He's trying to do good by her, or something

I laughed more at this than any of the other episodes, but I missed last week's so… maybe not the best?