Chuck Schick


Her sidebar is fully stocked

So here's my beef: If the movie is in English, when reality dictates that it should be in German, why do accents at all? I have not seen this movie, so I don't know if that applies here, but I think of a movie like "Defiance" where Daniel Craig speaks in a Polish accent, even though the whole movie is in English.




And it has the "Always Great Margo Martindale"!

You mean… ¡Plane!

He was dead all along

I hate the Moor. My cause is hearted; thine hath no less reason. Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him

As long as they aren't sullied by indolent Irish blood, or that of the fetid Hin-doo

Sorry, Steve Harvey is a pass.

Jeremy Davies would've been perfect as Junior

The Truman Show

And the housewife in a nightmare marriage, who has FINALLY…HAD…ENOUGH!!

Heh Heh.  You said "titular"

"Kings" was another NBC show that only lasted a season, but was very well done.  And reviewed favorably on the AVClub.

I'm suprised he didn't say that voice acting was the greatest gig.  You get to go in wearing sweats, with your hair up, and no makeup.

I'm suprised he didn't say that voice acting was the greatest gig.  You get to go in wearing sweats, with your hair up, and no makeup.

I think so Brain, but burlap chafes me so