Wait, I missed it. Varner is plugging a book he's writing about THAT experience? Fuck. No.
Wait, I missed it. Varner is plugging a book he's writing about THAT experience? Fuck. No.
As far as finales go, this was all right. Sure, Survivor always gives winners good edits and screentime, but this season was ridiculous. Maybe the winner wouldn't have been super obvious if they had given many others good screentime and edits as well. Going into the finale and based on edit, Cirie and Sarah were the…
Does anyone know how many episodes this will officially have? Wikipedia has only 8 listed.
So, what did we all think of the first two parts of Twin Peaks?
Even if it HAD worked, what would be the point of it? Sarah would still lose trust in her. It was a bad move in theory either way.
Yeah, this season's editing is pretty atrocious. I would never have known that Cirie was closer to Sarah than Andrea or that Andrea/Aubry were the closest pair had I not seen the unaired confessionals. I can't imagine how confused someone who just watches the show would be. All of a sudden, Cirie is also ready to take…
I just found out, for the first time ever, that there's a weekly podcast of The Americans. Now I feel like my whole life has been a lie and feel utterly embarrassed,
I think this was the point of no return for me, and it seems like, for the Jennings as well. Enough is enough. I kind of want them to face some sort of consequences for what they have done throughout the years. They've done so many things but this one really hit home how repulsive they can be. But as always, it makes…
It's clear as day that Sarah is winning. Now that I've accepted that the best ones, Andrea, Aubry, and Cirie, are not winning, I can actually start to appreciate Sarah's gameplay. She's bland as hell and I hate the way she gives confessionals, but girl is playing the best social game out there. Voting with her…
Anyone else think this is a horrible mistake? Perhaps not really because Zeke was going to go after Andrea and them and wasn't going to be loyal, but Michaela was exactly right. You JUST got the advantage 6-4, all because of ONE person who you've seen can flip back and forth. Are you really going to be comfortable…
Definitely the best episode so far, simply because the actual season's plot hasn't interested me much.
I fear this show will get cancelled. Noooo.
If the exit interview with Debbie is any indication (that Sarah has been swearing on her family), if she makes the finals the whole jury may be really angry with her. Could we be seeing a "tremendous loser" edit with Sarah?
Better Sarah than Sierra, Brad, or Tai.
Elisabeth Moss is just so amazing. All-time great work in Mad Men, fantastic in Queen of Earth, and she's just stellar here.
Cirie, Aubry, and Michaela are easily my favorite in the season.
It would be reeeeeally disappointing for that Brad/Sierra/Troy group to regain control after tonight's awesome elimination. Debbie just sucks. I kind of liked her in her first season, but this season she was either a hot, unlikable mess or someone entirely too far up her own ass to have a bit of humility. Loved that…
It's funny how when the show first premiered (and for its entire first season), all it really was at first was a very campy, over-the-top, very silly, kind of ridiculous show with some fun acting but not to be taken seriously. All of that really changed with the third season. Those first two seasons still have a lot…
I thought it was a great episode on its own, but in terms of trying to be accurate, it seemed to throw all of that out the window, no? Is there any record or story that they regretted their feud or even liked each other? The context for the "Joan Crawford is dead. Good." is just very different from what I imagined.…
Aubry's case is weird. This season she has never really been in control, barely hanging by a thread. She doesn't seem as confident or as comfortable playing with this group of people, and her edit isn't great so we can't assume it will get any better. What a shame.