
The iconography in that park makes no sense, agreed. You have the Astros, ostensibly named after the Johnson Space Center, and then you have a train in the outfield which carries oranges (because of Minute Maid), and until this year, the mascot was a rabbit, for absolutely no reason at all.

Major League, Major League II.

The baseball within is especially shitty. I like the park, especially compared to the mausoleum that was (and still is) the Astrodome.

ZMF, are you not using all-caps now? That was the essence of your genius!

You can have my Houston Astros 2013 Opening Day baseball. Never been hit, like many of the baseballs at Minute Maid Park.


Better than the LOLMets.

Jennie Finch and Eddie Feigner…

Carolina vs. Tampa in the "This Is Why The SEC Is So Popular Bowl".

For the love of all that is holy, when will they ever do a re-boot of "Seeing Things"?

I know Gravity already did this, but if there was any movie where I'd like to see all the characters drift off into outer space, this is the one.

Starbucks may become bigger than Exxon/Mobil after this album comes out.

I would recommend against a bomb threat if you forget anything,

Yes, south of Clear Lake.

I heard "House Of The Rising Sun" no less than three times, once each on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. One was on iTunes Radio by The Animals, one was by a novelty act called "Boogie Man Band" who were playing live at the Kemah Boardwalk, and one was on LeShow with Harry Shearer.

"Frittata" is their substitute word for "retard". It originated in season 1 or 2, not sure which.

"Yes, it's true. This man has no dick."

Yes! I said at the time that Treme should have a spin-off where David Morse, Melissa Leo, and Tim Reid should go around fighting the corrupt New Orleans justice system and having age-appropriate sex, not necessarily with each other, but that would also be OK.

Margot Bingham. Yes, please.

Marzipan's answering machine was my favorite.