Ballerina Dentata

That's mean. Don't tell her you said that.

The only salve for our nation's wounds is THE BLIND SIDE II: THE BLINDER SIDE

It's okay, what doesn't kale you makes you stronger



It fell out the window, leaving a show-shaped hole in the screen

Ah state's wicked awhesome!

We're supposed to have a quote?

I think we should take his word for it- he is the narrator after all

I heard about that story on Jezebel (don't laugh). So hilariously brazen

To be followed by Paranormal Activity: Back 2 tha Hood

Eve's Bayou really is fantastic- I stumbled onto it on tv years ago knowing nothing about it and it was such a treat to discover.

Josh Holloway will not be happy to hear this

Yeah, I saw Treasure Planet when it came out- I was 11- and it bored me to tears.
Lilo and Stitch was and is delightful though.

I'd recommend sticking it out- the show definitely becomes more compelling after the first few episodes, and the 2nd half of the season is especially fantastic. But if you're fairly sure it's not for you then that's fine; It doesn't change fundamentally, just becomes a better version of itself.

His name is Klaus Heissler.

Squilliam Fancyson?


The chances were one in eight, as it turns out