Second Officers Cat

Benny, there is indeed a lady in a thong talking about her private areas at 8 AM on network television.  Unfortunately, it's Joy Behar.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Why, the real Rene A. is Odo, of course… a shapeshifter talented enough to take any form required by the script.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Why, the real Rene A. is Odo, of course… a shapeshifter talented enough to take any form required by the script.

Step 1, Guinness gets a box, step 2, he cuts a hole in it…

Step 1, Guinness gets a box, step 2, he cuts a hole in it…

Composer of Klingon operas?

Composer of Klingon operas?

Auberjonois played the daughter of an engineer?  I'll have to see that episode.

Auberjonois played the daughter of an engineer?  I'll have to see that episode.

@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus :  You mean that wasn't the correct answer?  Damn, no wonder I didn't get my AP World History credits.

I don't understand all these places with weird pronunciations.  I'm just a normal guy from Loo-uh-vul.

That's because you're super strong and super sweet, PIM!

@drdarke:disqus : He was my cat, but sadly he passed away about eight years ago.  I still miss him.

Delenn:  Your command of informal English has gotten much better since S1 of B5.

I always used to wonder how many of the French deliberately mispronounced the name of the Vichy president as "putain." 

I would love to see someone do a good treatment of Three Stigmata.  That was a great novel, and it messed with my head as much as any PKD story I have ever read.

I don't know, Mrs. Peel, I think you could come up with some ingenious solutions, sort of like lawyer Jeff on Community.

Trip always reminded me of George W. Bush.  That was not a person I wanted to be reminded of, when Enterprise was first on the air.

Also, in dream sequences you have to have people talking backwards, and dropping allusions to the "Black Lodge" and the "White Lodge".

Ha!  We had to look up programs in the print TV Guide listings, and we only had three channels!  And our TV was black and white!