Second Officers Cat

@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus :  The history of the feud between the Holy See and the dwarf people is long and involved.  Let's just say it goes back to an unfortuate event during the reign of Alexander VI. (Like much else, it is the fault of the Borgias.)

I like to refer to Gul Dukat as "that G— D——.Cardassian."

In overestimating his own abilities, Dukat may be DS9's Newt Gingrich.

That outfit has kind of a Clockwork Orange vibe for me…  "Singin' in the rain…"

I want Bashir/Miss Piggy.

It almost seems like Enterprise used the Vulcans as their Romulans… the Vulcans were as sneaky and conspiratorial in Enterprise as the Romulans were everywhere else.

@avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus : "Sela sitting in a chair, stroking her pet cat…"  So, is "pet cat" now a euphemism?

@twitter-162613995:disqus :  Haven't seen the other movie, but The Apostle is outstanding.  One of Duvall's best movies.  Of course, coming from that subculture as I do may have made me appreciate it more.

@avclub-92a972196ae14b06997dc73a44c6cddd:disqus , that comment made my day.

"Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action…"  — Auric Goldfinger

Quark is one of my favorite characters on the show, I but I do not want to visualize him in any sexual capacity.

I have to admit, I wasn't sure I liked "Delenn" when she came aboard, but though I do not always agree with her, I find her comments are always well thought out.  And very much "in character," for people who have seen B5.

Should the Google founders be taking notes?  They claim they don't know how to be evil.

Thanks, Buckaroo… I think I may have been a little too obscure there.

I can see the point of those of you who say that Decartes' trying to prove the existence of God is a "massive waste of time," but I recently read some history on the 17th Century "Age of Reason," and when the brightest minds of Europe started trying to work out proofs for God's existence instead of just assuming God

How true, Satai!   ;)

Oh, yeah… like Louise Fletcher never gets to play the bad guy, right?

Yeah, "stuck to the warp core" gives a rather bizarre mental picture.

The lost Enterprise episode… "The Wrath of Porthos"

Spending life in religious isolation can leave one "Mumified", so to speak..