
Well, Nick Drave is a legend in those indie folk circles, so it makes sense in that way.

I wouldn't judge a show by its pilot so strongly, despite my earlier thread, but I'm excited because they are being bold in how they're presenting material and how awesome Mr. Wednesday is.

Yeah that's clearly a type; they spend $700 for the NHL, not baseball.

"In Soviet Russia, pussy eats you!"

Well since they're all on the same team, per se, they needed some way to differentiate themselves.

Of course this is the next thing I'd see Freddy in. It's perfect.

It feels as though the part was written specifically for him.

I replied down below by the way. Hope that helps.

The cast list for this season is astounding. I'm quite enthused with most of their picks….

If you can find a girl who's cool with your weirder activities (here), then go for it.

Hope you hid the ring in curly fries and made Mickey Mouse help you.

Well, talk about common interests. Try to make her laugh. Listen to her problems. Let her see you have something of value to her where she'd want to meet again. "Oh I used to do that. I can teach you." Don't be too obtrusive or needy. Just say it'd be nice to hangout when you both have time. It'll become obvious later

I'm meeting a cute girl tomorrow for coffee, and we're both recently single. I'm assuming this is completely platonic, but I'm glad to at least meet her. I need more confidence anyway after what happened with my ex.

Nah go for it. The book will still be fun even with the show I imagine.

Just like in real life!

I haven't read too much about the American Gods news, but looking at the cast list I'm unreasonably excited.

Peter Krause is a delight though.

It never really made sense for him either. And he ruined a surprisingly good thing with Heather.

Now you'll all know I'm a 60 year-old stay-at-home cat mom.

There will be so much crying.