
Craig hangs up, tapes Lotte's mouth.

                                 CRAIG (CONT'D)
                    But I gotta go now. I've got to go
                    be Johnny.

She dials her phone, opens her cage, puts phone to her ear.

                    Once this was a relationship based
                    on love. Now you have me in a cage
                    with a monkey and a gun to my head.


                            (calling after him)
                    And who's to say I won't be seeing
                    what you're seeing… in court?

Malkovich trudges off along the shoulder of the turnpike.

                    I know. I'm sorry…

                    So how was it?


now Carolina was just at their backs and Bon, the officer, thinking ‘We will either be caught and annihilated or Old Joe will extricate us and we will make contact with Lee in front of Richmond and then we will at least have the privilege of surrender’: and then one day all of a sudden he thought of it, remembered,

(— the winter of ’64 now, the army retreated across Alabama, into Georgia;

lying on the floor where he had not even bothered to raise it:

his overcoat (as thing and vain for what it was as the suit)

the morose and delicate offspring of rain and steamy heat in the thin suitable clothing which he had brought from Mississippi,

the collar turned up about his ears; Quentin, the Southerner,

Shreve, the Canadian, the child of blizzards and of cold in a bathrobe with an overcoat above it,

—the two the four thw two facing one another in the tomblike room: