have you noticed that hip kids like the idea of metal, but don't actually like the music? that shit is weird.
have you noticed that hip kids like the idea of metal, but don't actually like the music? that shit is weird.
the KSC are skeptical
the KSC are skeptical
i believe that louis' real agent is young so he thought it would be funny to cast a REALLY young agent. i like that there are so many things on this show that you can wonder about - "what does that choice in the show signify?" - but then you find out louis just thought it was funny.
i believe that louis' real agent is young so he thought it would be funny to cast a REALLY young agent. i like that there are so many things on this show that you can wonder about - "what does that choice in the show signify?" - but then you find out louis just thought it was funny.
black and death really aren't niche metal. those sub-genres get crazy though. do i like blackened war-doom? yes, yes i do.
black and death really aren't niche metal. those sub-genres get crazy though. do i like blackened war-doom? yes, yes i do.
when you're young, it can be kinda make sense to think you're better than everyone else. but before you know it, you're david cross.
when you're young, it can be kinda make sense to think you're better than everyone else. but before you know it, you're david cross.
p.s. black twilight circle is almost as good as rhinocervs. and better than any french circle. discuss.
p.s. black twilight circle is almost as good as rhinocervs. and better than any french circle. discuss.
turn off the wilco and listen to sarcofago
turn off the wilco and listen to sarcofago
boring copypasta from metallum is boring
boring copypasta from metallum is boring
shit, that was 02? got me feelin old
yes! we want more video!
crossover = 80s thrash. you're in college for fuck's sake.