Crime Wave

Kid is SOFT.

Never heard of this asshole before this post this morning. He just walked into my shop.  Should I fuck with him?

I'm cool with this if it means a Crazy Horse tour instead.

I loved the finale. Chris Lilley really knows how to finish a series, and there were so many conflicting emotions. Squashed Nigga was hilarious, and also amongst the most retarded things that has ever happened, especially considering the smiling Aborigine-kid picture that inspired it.

John was amazing. Also, a self-serious whiny bitch with ZERO self awareness. At least McCartney knows his flaws and doesn't give a fuck.

Sure, some of his characterization can be seen as racist, but I forgive the blackface and whatnot because Lilley gives those characters so much depth. Summer Heights High is one of the most pointed pieces on racism I have seen. The scene where Jonah reads his short story is a perfect example: "Being a FOB is cool

These are Hall of Fame numbers.

Stolen from Winging it in motown: facts and rankings
career wins – 401 (10)

Literally none of this is true.

Osgood has the numbers brother.

Thank you Martha! Wonderful Christmas time is obviously fucking stupid, but its fun and clearly not a serious single. Lennon's dour Happy Christmas is the worst of them all, sincere schmaltzy bullshit. At least McCartney had self awareness….look at the album cover, guy just wanted to have some fun!

This song is a little much, but I appreciate how fearless he is, and that hook is the best of the year. I thought of XXX as Detroit's answer to Odd Future, but unlike OF, Danny is just funny/scary enough to actually believe the veracity of his claims.

Scrap or Die is the realest track of the year.

Seconded. What's with the D'Angelo hate? I guess everybody else was jacking off to Broken Social Scene while I was getting down to Voodoo.

D'Angelo has more than one hit man, and two-near perfect albums.

Keep reading that revisionist history pal, the Americans wanted to occupy Canada, and failed. They won a couple of battles, but lost the war. This whole Navy war bullshit about sailors was of little significance at the time, and has since only been used as a means to save face.

Amen brother, Windsor is a greaaaat fucking party town.

I believe you are mistaken. Canada wasn't a country yet, but the fucking place was still called Canada. 

I love ODB, but this album is frustrating to me. There are a lot of stand-out tracks, but it is wayyyy too long, seriously 40 minutes and this album would have been perfect.

Also, maybe I am wrong on this, but as far as I remember, Walt had no idea that Gale knew he was sick, so in Walt's eye's, Gale was in on Walt's impending murder. That was Walt's justification.