I Will Probably Forget This Quickly:
Well, I am sorry you are stumped. Please don't conflate your inability to understand things as a failure on my part.
I Will Probably Forget This Quickly:
Well, I am sorry you are stumped. Please don't conflate your inability to understand things as a failure on my part.
*unknowable inferences*
I know, right? The Hispanic Zimmerman, who was mistaken for a creepy-ass cracker, was put in fear for his life by a black teen who didn't like the way he looked at him. The testimony from Jeantel seemed to indicate that Trayvon was pissed about being scoped for gay-sex by a white guy, rather than being harassed…
From the article. The National Sheriff's Association says neighborhood watches shouldn't be armed. hmm. It is interesting because I think their quote is bandied across the internet. That's not a rule or a law, it's their recommendation.
**Say War on the Horizon again. I dare you, I double dare you motherfarker. Say War on the Horizon one more god damn time.**
That's rich, Nathan. You are so dense you can't see that I've just started my own robotic insult mimicking the "we disagree because you're from Stormfront" crowd.
counterpoint to Carlos, Martin was idiotic for continuing to beat Zimmerman once he started screaming for help.
The more we learn about that night (well, members of Stormfront who actually paid attention to the trial, not bigots like "I will" who came to earth preprogrammed with everything they'll ever know) is how inconsequential Zimmerman's actions were that night. Martin turned around to engage him. Martin physically…
**Zimmerman comes off repeatedly throughout this story as a guy who felt powerless in his life, wanted some power, but ignored any responsibility that most people consider part-and-parcel to accepting that power.**
**Hey, if it makes you feel any better, every single post you've made on this subject has been absolutely as stupid as shit, so I for one think you are selling yourself short here**
**And Travyon clearly didn't run. **
"by what makes people into monsters like you are."
Let me play AVclub liberal and respond to your thoughtful answer with a vapid call for you to go to Stormfront. Maybe I will also throw in a wow.just wow, if someone were to suggest that SYG helps blacks too. And I will add a non-sequitor throwaway line name checking a conservative which I believe acts as an argument.
The lovely and delightful Jeantel, the cheese to Trayvon's macaroni, testified that Martin turned back from his dad's place to go confront the creepy ass cracker. Zim lost sight of Martin during the conversation Martin had with Jeantel. There was no following.
**If Ann Coulter is involved in a game of "Who is the racist?", the smart money usually gets put down on her.**
"Quoting Coulter. That makes sense…"
I liked him better when he was Ayo Kimathi.
You, sir, are a War on the Horizon reject.
Go back to War on the Horizon, man.
The trial showed that Trayvon turned around and confronted Zimmerman. I know, I know, that comment makes me have to go to Storm Front or something.