
It's not a particularly great sitcom, but I enjoy it for what it is. I'm tempted to burn through it on Netflix at some point, but I very much don't look forward to repeatedly hearing the first couple seconds of that theme song while I pound the fast-forward button.

Well, I for one am most excited about Jaws 19.

If the internet has taught me anything, it's that there's no limit to the amount of complaints that can be fit into a single sentence.

People can care about two things.

If anything, he's really just the Seraph Of Heavy Petting Followed By A Crysturbation Session While Reading A Vaguely Ribald Piece Of Fanfic On An Old LiveJournal Page.

Oh man… you get to watch the Nightmare franchise for the first time. That always makes me envious, haha.

Hah! Yeah, the drugs and middle age have hit him hard.

As much as I hate what Billy Corgan and SP have become, I've got to say that he and Manson singing Ava Adore a couple of weeks ago put a huge grin on my face. They looked and sounded like a couple of old friends doing karaoke and having a great time. (maybe not the best compliment for two professional singers working

*starts to sign in under Crypt Keeper gimmick account*

Hopefully Jackbox's next project will be to add the missing YDKJ games to the Complete Pack. I understand why 5th Dementia is missing (to an extent), but Louder Faster Funnier and Offline?

The problem with recommending this movie is that it's one of those movies that's best seen without knowing a thing about it.

Huell Howser beat me to it. He also took "Home For The Huellidays" and "Check It Out! With Dr. Steve Huell".

My secret origin will be revealed in the other spinoff, "A Huell and His Money Are Soon Parted". (working title: "Give Me Huell, Give Me Fire, Give Me That Which I Desire")

Okay. :(

Yeah, Rebirth blows the original out of the water (and the original is absolutely fantastic). I almost want to buy a Vita solely for portable Isaac.

Thanks for the suggestions! Especially that last one… Japanese wrestling with JR on commentary? That sounds incredible.

I'm still sad that m'boy Freddy never made it to space (outside of the title of a popular horror blog).

Yeah, I've heard NXT is actually pretty entertaining, even from folks who despise PG Era WWE. I'll definitely give it a shot at some point.

Spent the last few days rediscovering my love of wrestling for the first time in 15 years, so that's been a hoot. I still find the post-Attitude era to be largely uninteresting, but being that I was a fairweather fan even back then, there's plenty of unwatched content from those days to enjoy. As far as I'm concerned,

Not enough AVC comments consist of cutting promos. Good on you, sir.