I'm guessing CGI She-Hulk would look like a 7-foot-tall Rhonda Rousey, in terms of build.
I'm guessing CGI She-Hulk would look like a 7-foot-tall Rhonda Rousey, in terms of build.
What's willfully dishonest is pretending I said the third party vote was the only reason Clinton lost the rust belt states — I didn't, though any left-leaning voter who cast a vote for Stein or Johnson rather than Clinton was a moron, and really needs to learn something about how first-past-the-post electoral systems…
I was really hoping Johnny would break his restraints and run headfirst into the softest parts of Richard.
I've seen it suggested elsewhere that she basically dissociated after hitting the slender casino brother with the remote because she's anticipating a violent response.
Deputy Chad is also there, I think, to contrast with Bobby — to be a genuinely crooked cop and make Bobby's turn since 1991 more convincing.
So rich and famous she's flying coach!
The problem in this case is baked into the office; the president pro tem of the Senate is, by tradition, the most senior member of the majority party. That's almost always going to be somebody who's held a safe seat for thirty or forty years.
Two problems there, though: First, nobody that old should hold the position in extremis; if it ever comes to that point, it's unlikely the call ends with "…and so we need you to keep the seat warm and maybe go to the Kennedy Center Honors until the next election." Second, it opens the door to partisan change of…
And yet she put a ton of time and money into PA only to lose it by a similar margin.
Not only that, one could read that scene as NuSulu's brother or cousin coming by to introduce the new baby for all of the interaction we see between them (unless I am forgetting something - only saw Beyond the one tine).
This is good. I approve.
That's because he was a terrible, terrible president.
The history of presidential succession in America is kind of crazy. Up until Tyler nobody was sure whether a VP would be acting as president or actually become president upon the death of a POTUS. And the current line of succession makes no sense - the president pro tem is always an octo- or nonagenarian. Imagine…
Man, I bet small talk with Phylicia Rashad these days is awkward.
You mean the state where Clinton ran ahead of Russ Feingold?
Yep. Months of Sanders whining that the fact he was losing proved he should be winning paved the way for it.
I know. Math is SO HARD.
And yet the third-party vote in state after state was more than the margin of victory in many swing states. Oh, wait, I forgot that math is a tool of the DNC and neoliberals.
I was replying to Jeremy; I don't know why it pos ted as a response to you. I do, however, suggest you familiarize yourself with the narrowness of the margins in PA, MI, and WI and a few other states before lecturing folks about the impossibility that Stein (and Johnson) voters had any affect on the election.
I don't recall the mainstream Democrats trying to shout down every speaker at the Democratic Convention, or complaining a year later that the candidate who lost the nomination was the voice of the people, or running off and voting for Jill Stein, or complaining that major Democratic constituencies that their candidate…