
Hard to watch?

Makeup is the oddballest Oscar category, since it has just about nothing to do with anything else in the movie - so you get Jackass movies and the like being nominated when nothing else would ever even be considered for the award.

That's different than the other way around.

I can't believe I never met it and its magnetic attitude!

While I watched the arctic combat sequences in Inception, I kept thinking, Nolan should do a big-budget adaptation of the GI Joe cartoon about the MASS Device.

"Hi. Um.. it's my fiance's birthday.. um, can I get a cake shaped like a woman going to the bathroom?"

I mean, surely there's a middle ground to be occupied and profited from here, right? Does someone have to go on Shark Tank to make this happen?

If everyone hates cargo shorts (as they should), why is it so damn hard to find non-cargo shorts that don't make you look like Evan Bayh headed to the lake house?

My gift to myself today is not responding to your comment beyond the period at the end of this sentence.

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Is that Ann-Margret?

I had no idea Jay Roach is married to Susanna Hoffs. Well played, good sir.
Well. Played.

Hulk, Bird-nose, Dumb Magician, Fish-man, Shiny Face, Sword-Girl, Cat-Girl.

If doing nothing makes you cool, then I'm Miles Davis!

The one sitting on his porch, smoking and drinking wine, and periodically checking his phone and then laughing hysterically?

I thought his plan was to expand university bureaucracies beyond sustainability whilst simultaneously strangling academic work by slowwalking funding for teaching and research in favor of creating an endless series of nebulous and ill-designed centers.

Sounds like a TV series. CBS could spin it off of Hawaii Five O.

Joss Whedon adapted one of his other plays, even!

He's in the band, man.

There's a difference between having a $12 million investment and saying you have a $12 million investment.