
Which is amazing, because WHEN he was president, if Dubya tripped and fell on his face every Republican in America would praise his genius for falling where there was ground to land on, and say this was more proof he was the modern Churchill.

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.

You're just adorable when you try to talk like you think the real boys you envy do.

You think a lot of things that are very sad, very stupid, and say far more about you than the topics you're ostensibly addressing, so what's one more? Perhaps someday you'll meet some men who aren't human garbage.

Well, no. Decent men don't speak that way. The fact that you think they do, and that it's OK, is sad beyond words.

Oh, honey, the idea that you're some sort of macho sports-playing manly man is the funniest thing I've heard all afternoon.

And, again: Do you, personally, brag to other men about sexually assaulting women? When you hear the men you hang out with brag about sexually assaulting women, how do you respond?

Dude. You STARTED OFF defending Donald Trump's bragging about sexually assaulting women as "locker room talk." If you're going to show up here and lie, you could at least try to get your story straight.

Really? Are you one of those men? Do you go around bragging about sexually assaulting women? When you hear men bragging about sexually assaulting women, do you laugh, as if they're saying something funny and normal, or do you ever step in and say that's disgusting and you shouldn't do that or joke about it?

Willful ignorance is ignorance nonetheless. Pathetic!

So…you're just ignoring the comments from actual doctors and scientists that demonstrate your scientific illiteracy?

You know that in several comments above ACTUAL doctors and biologists have explained some of the many ways you're wrong, right?

That's not, actually, the way men speak amongst themselves, unless the men you're used to hanging around with are scum.

I have never been able to snap my fingers. My mom, trying to explain it when I was a kid, was kind of like Principle McVicker trying to tell Beavis and Butt-head how to urinate.

1908…that would be, IIRC, when names like Ashley and Beverly were men's names, and pink was a masculine color?

One huge step would be to install actual, floor-to-ceiling walls and doors in public restroom stalls. It would upgrade the experience for everyone, trans or otherwise.

It's more of a Shelbyville idea anyway.

This is kind of a relief. I have vague memories of seeing an interview with Seth McFarlane from right after 9/11, about how he overslept and missed his flight that day which turned out to be one of the ones that got hijacked. But I remembered him as a dweeby guy in glasses, and was surprised years later to see him

Yeah, only one of those things is actually cheating, is the thing.

Maybe he means "two and a half movies ago"?