
What an amazing twist. I am having a hard time thinking of another that was both as consequential and as well done. And I needed that this week. I hope this show gets renewed, and becomes a story about finding hope in unlikely places even in the face of malevolent and powerful jerks.

Do you also feel guilty for liking pizza, chocolate, sunshine, and puppies?

It gets better.

This was in 2008, so we're good going to movies these days.

Baby Bear is the fucking worst. His speech impediment isn't even consistent.

We took our four-month-old daughter to a Sunday morning screening of Iron Man. It was great. She sat in the baby bjorn, and would fall asleep, wake up for explosions, get excited, fall back asleep, wake up for the next explosion, and so un until the movie ended. As far as she was concerned, she got to see, like,

I have never seen people so unhappy about winning, all the way up the chain to Cheeto Benito.

I honestly think the whole parading Romney around thing was entirely about stripping him of his dignity.

I thought the Harriet Meiers nomination was ridiculous, but that there was a decent chance she'd turn into a Souter, only without the impressive legal acumen.

I try to console myself with the knowledge that there probably won't be an open GOP presidential nomination contest until 2024, which means Tom Cotton will probably never be president.

If any one of Rubio, Jeb, Kasich, etc. had been elected, I would be unhappy and worried about the policy consequences. But I would not fear for the future of American democracy, or be worried about the tide of racist and anti-Semitic assholes who saw the election's result as a go signal.

Also someone with literally no knowledge of or curiosity about the world and how it works. Trump does not read and has no interest in history and generally believes whoever he last talked to must be right.

For all of, what, four years?

Was Alito an improvement?

This looks like somebody's last known photograph.

Remember when Carson was a respected surgeon with an inspiring biography? Then he ran for president and turned out to be insane. Moral of the story: Don't run for president, kids.

I remain baffled that it was Deadpool, out of all of the X-Media of the 21st century, that gave us the best live-action attempt at an original X-Men uniform.

Fry should have played House's smarter older brother.

Tacoma Narrows?

Billy on the Macadam!