So you're fine as long as the reinterpretation only fits with your view point? The bull is as broad and shallow of an image without becoming an image macro.
So you're fine as long as the reinterpretation only fits with your view point? The bull is as broad and shallow of an image without becoming an image macro.
No, he made an unwanted, unasked for piece of work that was removed by the city. (Later, it placed elsewhere.) Now the bull artist feels The Girl is an unwanted, unasked for piece of work (even though it was placed legally with the city's full knowledge, unlike the bull).
How is it that Julia's disconnected shade ended up sucked into the underworld? Two bodies, two shades. A shade without a body automatically ends up in the underworld. (I wonder where The Beast's shade was in there?)
They offered an explanation. They just didn't spell everything out or hit people over the head with a clue-by-four.
A third shade wouldn't set off an alarm. It would just sink back to the underworld (like Julia's did when it was cut free) without a living body to anchor it in the living world.
Notice that Julia only made that selfless act when Q brought Julia's shade into the room with her. How can you say it wasn't Julia's shade in the room with her that made her feel the need to do such an act?
Did Julia make the decision to be altruistic on her own? Or was Julia influenced by being in physical contact with her shade? How do you know she didn't feel those feelings once her shade was in the room with her?
Do you mean the human ambassador to the Faeries? He didn't imply she knew who it was, just that it was a power other than the Faeries that doesn't play games for personal gain. But he wasn't willing to be any less cryptic without a price to be paid.
It doesn't seem arbitrary. Two people enter, two people leave (with one shade each: Q's still attached shade and Julia's choice). Extra shades exiting the portal would immediately sink down to the underworld, just like Julia's shade (or any disconnected shade) did when it didn't have a living body to tether it in the…
He didn't ask permission to place the bull originally. So it IS the exact same thing. He's a hypocrite who got attention for his illegal placed bull but doesn't want anyone do the exact same stunt in the exact same area.
Future Jane wasn't very open or specific about many things.
Why would Jane offer to help? She didn't ask about her future self, so she had plans of her own that needed to see done with her own hands. Jane tried 40 times, so more time stuff might undue things.
Taxes are not considered to be traditionally held as state property, because there was no state in the modern sense. Just like language today is quite different then it was more than half a millennium ago, so were the social norms different.
Sarah is only half Siobhan's mom, so Sarah and Mrs. S are sisters.
Vic moved to Albuquerque.
River's psychic powers would infect her with Helena's visions. How do you think River would take to talking scorpions?
Clones are just forced twins. Even genetically identical twins have different phenotypes. Clones aren't like digital copies of music, they are mixtures of two different DNA sets.
"I simply couldn't understand the connection between Leda and Castor, though, since Leda was Castor's mother, not his sister!"
The clones are like every other child, with a mix of DNA from a mother and father. Besides, the older genetically identical twins get, the more they drift apart and change into something more individual.
Chimeras have less hassles with immune response. Her brother's tissues are a pure male donor, but they have adapted to work well with their twin instead of seeing it as foreign.