
Well, someone has to say that they like it.

Well, someone has to say that they like it.

The number of times I've said this to high school students… well, maybe a dozen. Still, Library of Congress is much better.

The number of times I've said this to high school students… well, maybe a dozen. Still, Library of Congress is much better.

And of course the fact that the show was _on_ ABC likely meant that they weren't able to mock or target ESPN, too. Once you drop the top dog (then) I guess you have to curb your criticisms of the others. (Was CNNSI still a thing then? Can't recall.)

And of course the fact that the show was _on_ ABC likely meant that they weren't able to mock or target ESPN, too. Once you drop the top dog (then) I guess you have to curb your criticisms of the others. (Was CNNSI still a thing then? Can't recall.)

Headrick's "The Tools of Empire." Probably the clearest and shortest 19th C. history I can think of. (That's just off the top of my head. Don't know why.)

Headrick's "The Tools of Empire." Probably the clearest and shortest 19th C. history I can think of. (That's just off the top of my head. Don't know why.)

I find that I often want to listen to MST3K while doing housework, so thank god for the WiFi on the iPod Touch. Listened to "Laserblast," "Final Justice," and "Final Sacrifice" in whole or pieces.

I find that I often want to listen to MST3K while doing housework, so thank god for the WiFi on the iPod Touch. Listened to "Laserblast," "Final Justice," and "Final Sacrifice" in whole or pieces.

Does this mean that he'd also have "Angela's Ashes" and be humming "Moondance" while fixing whatever needed fixing? 
…actually, that would be pretty funny…

Does this mean that he'd also have "Angela's Ashes" and be humming "Moondance" while fixing whatever needed fixing? 
…actually, that would be pretty funny…

Hell, we ended up buying the next set, too, if only because my wife loves commentary tracks. I love (most) Sorkin shows, but I can't stand his commentary tracks.

Hell, we ended up buying the next set, too, if only because my wife loves commentary tracks. I love (most) Sorkin shows, but I can't stand his commentary tracks.

I have to check myself on this all the time, having been so annoyed by this in the '90s… but in terms of the general-zeitgeist-broadly-popular-and-quoted-or-sung-or-watched stuff then versus now, how many would take the current analogues?

I have to check myself on this all the time, having been so annoyed by this in the '90s… but in terms of the general-zeitgeist-broadly-popular-and-quoted-or-sung-or-watched stuff then versus now, how many would take the current analogues?