Doctor fan

A few more suggestions….

I can't really agree that the finales have been weak. The whole "Bad Wolf" thing was pretty awesome, but they failed to pay it off in season 2, explaining HOW Rose had left it as a message to herself all across time and space.

I'm just waiting to pick up my plastic pal who's fun to be with.

As a parent of 2 kids, I use them as proof that "survival of the fittest" is bunk- the stuff they do (not to mention the unpleasant sounds, images, and smells), and the only thing that keeps anyone sane from harming them is sheer cuteness. They can't defend themselves, but by god can they be cute.

Not just the episodes, but the whole season has the same basic structure. 1 introduction episode, generally followed by one future/off world episode, then a historical, then a 2-part reintroducing some classic villain, a little bit of filler, an episode that barely features The Doctor at all, finishing up with a

Does Tull rock? Yes. "Aqualung". "Locomotive Breath". "Bungle In The Jungle". "Cross-eyed Mary".

I love Tull. Seriously. (I once used Kansas and Tull as proof to my friend/guitarist that we had to get a weird-ass instrument in the band before we could be any good….turns out all we really needed was for me to take drum lessons.) But, seriously….it's just a bad picture for the front cover. I mean, I know it's

The movie
Gibson rants aside, my thought with this….I wonder if they'll use Clapton's excellent track anywhere in the film, on the soundtrack…anywhere, really. Great, moody piece.