
I just watched the episode Lupin referred to.  Continuum keeps getting better and better!  An incredible fusion of a police show and science fiction. The most recent episode also includes a cute homage to Firefly and the actor who plays BSG's Felix Gaeta guest starring.

If you remember afterwards, Stahma enters the room and Datak's expression is that of a little boy who accidentally killed his puppy.  At that moment it seems as though Stahma is also Datak's surrogate mother and external impulse controller and another reason why Datak doesn't kill his wife for her

If that's the case, next season I'm going to expect a reason why Nolan managed to come back to life after looking very dead.

She could be bad news and her power level outclasses all of the other characters, unless Yewll can rig up some proton packs to power some particle accelerators…

I don't think this show is that bad since I watched it to the end of the season which is more than I can say for Falling Skies.

I had trouble with Alak selling the paintball prank as a credible way to join Datak's crew.  If I were Alak's friend, I would have thought it was a test to weed out the stupid Castithans.  What could possibly go wrong if I aimed a gun, even one for firing paintballs at the mayor of Defiance? Nice touch having

I thought the victory of the battle against Catarina Sforza was a bit too easy.  Considering the short distance from Forli to Rome, I would think she would have had something ready way ahead of time for when the Borgias came calling.  I was licking my chops for a more closely contested battle than the total Sforza

I just saw it on 3D IMAX and I really feared that it was going to be much worse because I've always thought that Zack Snyder was lousy at getting his actors to act.  With a cast full of A-listers, that thankfully didn't come to pass.  I appreciate the added gravitas that this iteration of the legend put out in each

Let's drink to the 5th Amendment!  My favorite amendment!  Before I watched this episode, I've never considered the drinking game possibilities that the US Constitution could provide.

Although I haven't seen the episode yet, I don't disagree with you.  The guest star is none other the Brian J Smith, formerly Lt Scott from the late great (at least for the last season) Stargate Universe.  His IMDB profile indicates that he studied acting at Julliard.

That's not surprising.  I should have qualified my earlier comment as only applying to Tywin.

Bad decisions lead to bad consequences.  I knew the Starks were screwed when Robb fell in love with someone other than the Frey that he promised to marry, but the violence of the RW was still quite a shock to me as a reader.  The Lannisters are not your classic villains who are too stupid to take advantage of an

How about it if Stephen Amell finds a new acting coach?  His performances nearly wreck the show for me.  He can't seem to figure out how to keep himself in the role while he's delivering his lines.  I swear that sometimes it seems like he's smoking pot between takes.

Alexander's doubt about whether Cesare is his son given that Juan had a very strong physical resemblance to Vanozza's former husband (wasn't he a goatherd?) is very ironic.  I think he's projecting onto Cesare the way he thinks of himself, while Cesare really is like Alexander in reality, but Alexander can't bring

Alexander checking out Giulia's suitor had a funny awkwardness to it.  Was he being protective like a father? Or was he being the jealous lover("Does he make you laugh?")?

Not a great episode, but with some interesting developments. (Spoiler alert!)It turns out Doctor Yewll is more than the settlement doctor.  Datak can't be half bad since he didn't decide to join forces with the psychopathic Pol Madis.  The artifact from the mine does more than look pretty and mysterious.

I'm a bit annoyed by how the trigger of Alfonso's rejection was a misplaced prop.  Cesare should have had the good sense to knock out all the tags from the seat assignment board when he got done processing the information.  But for goodness sakes, what's that doing in the bridal suite?

This episode did something that other shows have trouble with (ahem Falling Skies) which is getting to our emotions without being manipulative, or cheesy.  I think the interwoven flashback scenes helped a lot, along with some pretty good acting.  Besides, in this rough and brutal age we live in who doesn't know anyone

I don't really think Aslaug is all that beautiful, it could just be my taste.  Her toothy grin seems somewhat skull-like.  When the seer mentioned that Ragnar was in danger from magic, I was expecting her to morph into something else.  She also mentioned that she was the daughter of Brumhilde.  Is that the same

I re-watched the end.  The main group wasn't massacred, but according to Agron half of them were sent to the afterlife.  I don't trust the Roman account since they tend to exaggerate.