
The first season of Girls aired three years ago. And I meant the comment section on this particular episode.

I'm calling troll here. Pretty sure these comments were relatively free of any discussion for or against hating Dunham until you dredged all this up out of nowhere. Nobody cares that you were reading IMDB or about the fact that your use of the word "liberal" differs from mine.

Yeah, that game is wildly underrated. I still go back and replay it on almost a yearly basis.

I've been pretty cynical about this show and about some of The AV Club's past reviews of it, but this was a great review of a great episode.

I made it about 1/3 through and had to quit because this article got so many facts wrong in its single-sentence summaries of "news".

Why the fuck isn't Rick and Morty on the best TV list?

I'm sorry, but Jim and Pam's is the "defining marriage of this television generation".

Yeah this show is garbage. All the characters behave like irrational morons all of the time. Not watching this anymore

The abrupt Claire-Frank-Meechum threesome scene had me in stitches. Came out of nowhere.

Todd was clearly drunk when he wrote this. I approve.

Two of my software dev friends came over to watch this tonight and thought it was hilarious (they actually came for GoT but whatev). I guess it's pretty accurate.

Disclaimer: the statements below will make me sound like a huge asshole.

How can I be the only person who thinks it is absolutely, obviously Saul who is the mole/mastermind?

How can I be the only person who thinks it is absolutely, obviously Saul who is the mole/mastermind?

Honestly I am saddened and outraged at how homophobic and heteronormative this article was in its defense of Girls.

Honestly I am saddened and outraged at how homophobic and heteronormative this article was in its defense of Girls.

Maybe I should clarify

Maybe I should clarify

I can’t think of any people outside of Sean O'Neal who have both
embraced and pissed on Rock holograms more than I have. Obviously there’s a level
of reverence, but there’s also a level of intelligence to even know which holograms
to piss on. ‘Cause I’m not pissing on Rainbow holograms. I’m not pissing on Deep

I can’t think of any people outside of Sean O'Neal who have both
embraced and pissed on Rock holograms more than I have. Obviously there’s a level
of reverence, but there’s also a level of intelligence to even know which holograms
to piss on. ‘Cause I’m not pissing on Rainbow holograms. I’m not pissing on Deep