
Detective Carter's scenes were still boring.

This writer is wrong about the ratings for this show.  CBS has a deep schedule and all of their shows gets lots of viewers.  But it's all about the 18-49 demo.  This show has not done well there.  It's one of their lowest demo rated shows.  It's 50/50 right now for next season.  Don't ever pay attention to how many

The Walking Dead has solid writing and good characters.  These other two shows are painfully bad.  The Walking Dead is the highest rated cable show ever so someone must think its good.  The only joke is you actually think you're funny.  Nice try buddy.

Agreed.  How can he give this show a B?  Just because this episode is more serial, doesn't make it a better episode.  The episode actually has to be better.

and Falling Skies stunk too.  Watch The Walking Dead if you want a show about survival.  The writing on the other two shows are so painfully bad and the characters are awful too.

a B for this episode?  Are you serious.  You've lost all credibility.  This deserved a C and the last two episodes before this, deserved a D.

I don't know.  The show ended only a few hours ago and there are already 450 comments.  People seem to be interested in this show a lot.

I'm just talking about the survival shows on TV.  You guys would agree that this show is much better than the garbage Falling Skies or Terra Nova right?

Because The Walking Dead has three times the audience of Breaking Bad.  You may love that show but it's really just a critical darling.  It only has two million viewers a week.  The Walking Dead is the highest rated scripted drama on all of basic cable.

Lots of people commenting about a show that you supposedly don't like.

It may not be a perfect show but it's so much better than awful survival shows like Falling Skies and Terra Nova.  You know, the Spielberg shows.  I think the writing and the characters are much better than those two shows.

Definitely not.  Lost and Fringe just to start are great shows and much better J.J. Abrams shows.  Maybe for CBS it is because CBS does the same crime show 100 million times.

It's not great for a TV series.  Every week we see the same thing on this show.  This show is not smart at all.  And the cop following them around is useless in this show.

You giving this episode an A- gives you no credibility for any show you recap.  This episode was alittle better but come on.  You gave the crap episodes B's, which deserved D's. And this deserved at best a B and you give it an A?   This show is so disappointing.

Well it was 10 times better than last week.  It's the first show I've watched this year that actually improved after the pilot.  I actually saw potential this week.

awful awful show

This show is extremely boring.  It's just like any other crime show in CBS.  The characters are extremely dull.  The crimes are extremely basic.  I don't see the point of watching this show anymore.