
I don't actually think "Agony" is all that catchy, but "Children Will Listen" and "No One is Alone" are certainly memorable melodies. As far as actually being catchy, the title phrase is what most people are humming on their way out of the theater, since they've heard it eight billion times.

Although "Putting It Together" was the lead-off track on Barbra's wildly popular Broadway album in the 80s.

"Another National Anthem" is a wonderful song, but it's never going to be a standard. Really, as Roswulf says below, "Unworthy of Your Love" is the only real standard that will ever be from Assassins.

I thought that production was very successful in Paris, though. (Commercially, not artistically, although I did like it.)

penny, you are my new favorite gimmick account!

I googled Corey and can't find any media coverage of this event. However, his fbook page is the first thing to come up.

I did think that "Long Day's Journey Into the M&M Store" was pretty hilarious.

Eli made a joke about Wilson Fisk? How did I miss that?

As I wrote above, Sam Shaw has said he sees the show going well past the end of the war.

The creator thinks the show can go far past the end of the war.

Are you on twitter? I'm franklinshepard there too. I'll DM you my email address - I don't want to just post it here.

Kind of mad that Oh, Hello is already completely sold out.

It's pretty bad, but Tim Rice is far less of a hack than, say, Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe. Or even Don Black.

Are you in NYC? I can at the very least get you an interview at my company.

Pretty much any love/sex question can be answered with a Sondheim song. I'm surprised Dan didn't do this column long ago.

I'm a straight man, and I guarantee I know more than enough about musicals for the both of us.

Broadway isn't completely terrible, and there were certainly many great musicals after 1964 (the year of Fiddler) - look into those Sondheim musicals. And then the other Sondheim musicals that Dan didn't mention.

Since you turned off this show halfway through the pilot, I don't expect you to know this, but her mental illness is treated seriously, if subtly. Also, Josh is not an unwilling recipient, even in the pilot. He genuinely likes Rebecca.

I think it's pretty clear that he was never dead, he probably just got really small or something.

Lots of House Hunters reruns.