What's the real life incident that inspired the Marc Shaiman scene?? That's what I want to know.
What's the real life incident that inspired the Marc Shaiman scene?? That's what I want to know.
His hand shot up faster than Kevin Spacey's fly at the opening of Newsies
Anyone remember Pepper's Adventures in Time? Now THAT was some good edutainment.
I think Tom meant it would be better if Vulture had written an article, rather than a video.
Dowd likes A Million Ways to Die in the West? I think that was the last movie I walked out on. After sleeping through about 20 minutes of it.
Another thing - Gibson is actually a pretty good singer, and probably would've made a good Sweeney Todd, had it been filmed back in '97 before he became crazy.
Also, I want to say that I was very upset that they didn't release the "Director's Cut" of Pocahontas on blu-ray, with "If I Never Knew You" included into the film (and a small reprise at the end.) The movie really loses something without that song. I haven't thrown out my old DVD because of that.
This actually is a Great Job, Internet!
Did I expect too much from fourth-graders? The review "Play enjoyed by all" speaks for itself.
I can't believe there's a world in which Memphis was worse than the version we finally got, but now I know better.
Game of Thrones is shot digitally, not exactly shot on tape like old BBC TV shows used to be.
I mean, they look almost exactly alike…
Apparently Shaiman and Wittman are not on board. They are mentioned in the article, but what I'm hearing is that they would rather move on and work on something new. We'll see where this goes.
dude Pratt
Jack Bauer IS William Tecumseh Sherman in 24: Live Free or Die Trying
People are remembered for what they do, rather than their personal beliefs and opinions, for better or for worse. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Jefferson's most famous quote is about all men being created equal. The Confederacy fought to keep slavery. Nuances are hard to remember - people like broad…
what dude
It was a war. Terrible things happened, and atrocities were perpetuated on both sides. Still, the end result (no more slavery) was worth it.
They usually play in NYC too, at one or two theaters.