
I normally don't care about things like this, but has this show ever passed the Bechdel test? It just seems so weird that any time Rachel and Donna talk, it's always about Harvey or Mike. Or Harvey and Mike. Can't they talk about literally anything else? I get it, the show's about Harvey and Mike, but if we're

Only 70 miles away from me…I might beat you there.

I kind of remember Curse of the Jade Scorpion more fondly than Hollywood Ending. Hollywood Ending seemed kind of like a lukewarm path, but Curse had both funnier parts and worse parts.

I think Mighty Aphrodite and MMM are both very well regarded. I can still quote lines from both ("You should hear what they call my son in Harlem" is a particular favorite), and I haven't seen either in years.

I don't see a lot of love for Sweet and Lowdown these days…I guess I'll choose that as my underrated Allen film. I really love it.

I really, really don't understand why so many people seem to enjoy Anything Else. I found it ugly and unfunny, and Biggs is one of the worst of all of the male leads in Allen films who have done Allen impersonations. Ricci almost makes her character work through by sheer force of will, but man, watching it was an

I actually thought that was one of the funnier meta jokes in the film, as if Woody were saying that the quality of his movies doesn't really matter overseas - the French will still lap it up.

Blonde Bunhead Bailey Buntain is currently in Bucks County, PA in a musical written by Hunter Foster.

I didn't find Shadows and Fog actively bad so much as very forgettable. I can only remember a few jokes.

I can't believe we live in a world where Smash got two seasons and Bunheads only got one. Seriously, Bunheads used music and dance in far more sophisticated and innovative ways than Smash ever did, and of course the writing (and much of the acting) was so much better in Bunheads. Still sad about this over 12 hours

Don't know if anyone's looking at these comments a day later, but Douglas Wambaugh is one of the great comic characters of the 90s. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh7…

Stardust Memories is pretty great.

Maureen Stapleton is brilliant, agreed.

I think Interiors got a lot of backlash at the time, but it's pretty well-regarded these days.

I like a lot of it, but it's not really a very good movie.

I actually find Interiors to be kind of a great pitch-black comedy.

I think Sammo Hung wanted to end it. Also, I have to imagine it was better in our memories of watching it as kids and teens than it actually was. I mean, Arsenio Hall was in it.

Me too, but that's an everyday occurrence in our apartment.

Agreed times one billion.

Jane Fonda calls people who pirate media from the internet "pajama people" in this episode.