Anything to get my Bunheads fix!
Anything to get my Bunheads fix!
It would still look better on blu-ray - the BBC Pride and Prejudice (probably the oddest reference to show up in a Shield comment section) was filmed in 16mm, and although it doesn't look flawless on BD, it still looks a million times better than the muddy DVDs.
I like "He could've raped you and then killed you! Or killed you and then raped you!"
But I've never seen a triple threat at any of those benefits - usually it's more of the stand-and-sing type thing.
Anyone remember Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" music video? I remember seeing that video at a late-night sleepover when I was 12 and immediately hitting puberty.
Also, of course, some scholars now favor a three-source hypothesis, with the Elohist source not existing in that hypothesis.
Interesting. I guess it just goes to show there's no scholarly consensus. I read that the second angel of the Lord that comes down was also an interpolation, and that site has it as part of the Elohist source.
Yes, the idea is that the text, which now reads, in the NIV translation:
I believe the idea is that the angel stopping Abraham is possibly a later interpolation, and Abraham sees the goat and doesn't kill his son on his own initiative.
I loved Bible anime as a kid! In the Beginning was good but I preferred Superbook because they had a robot.
The Koran isn't a narrative book. And many of the parts that refer to narrative stories are more like sermons on those stories rather than the telling of those stories themselves. And many of the stories referred to are straight from the Old and New Testaments (albeit with different emphases - I'm sure Jesus is not…
@avclub-945a7c90799a612f5d07ffea88bfb479:disqus I can't tell if you are serious or not. However, Muslims do say that Jesus speaking about the paraclete, the comforter, in John 14:16 is a reference to Muhammad. Obviously no Christian thinks that.
Didn't see this here when I commented above. I think it's a terrific movie, although hampered somewhat by the score (I get what Pasolini was going for but it doesn't quite come together.)
Moses Moses Moses!
Pasolini's The Gospel According to St. Matthew?
Dreamworks seems to want to forget that it ever made non-computer animated films.
Speeches are brilliant/when they're Shaw's, what a glamorous life!
@avclub-e6c1142acfaceea3982a09641b33fc04:disqus I think reasonable people can disagree on this, and you're right there's no hint of my interpretation if the Judge's "Johanna" is cut, but I do think in that song, it's her innocence that appeals to him the most, and it's the idea of robbing her of that…
@avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus I could probably write an even longer comparison of the Gypsy album (well, I could definitely do that), but I will just say that all of the recordings are quite good, except the Bernadette album. I saw that revival and liked it a lot, but the album is missing that spark…
My pleasure!