
Are you my roommate? Cause you sound an awful lot like him.

My ex-girlfriend, who is an observant Jew who is almost completely atheist, used to tell me how much she hated Job precisely because God allows all of Job's children, servants, etc. to die. Her favorite book of the Bible was Ecclesiastes. I used to talk to her about Isaiah and Ezekiel, and she dismissed them as

My ex-girlfriend, who is an observant Jew who is almost completely atheist, used to tell me how much she hated Job precisely because God allows all of Job's children, servants, etc. to die. Her favorite book of the Bible was Ecclesiastes. I used to talk to her about Isaiah and Ezekiel, and she dismissed them as

I agree with you too. I remember when my Catholic friend told me that she didn't actually agree with a lot of Roman Catholicism. It was hard for me to understand why she didn't leave the church (and is still hard for me to understand. She's a regular church-goer - I wouldn't want to go to a church that preached

I agree with you too. I remember when my Catholic friend told me that she didn't actually agree with a lot of Roman Catholicism. It was hard for me to understand why she didn't leave the church (and is still hard for me to understand. She's a regular church-goer - I wouldn't want to go to a church that preached

There's a difference between not taking the Bible that literally and ignoring vast swaths of it. Sure, Jesus was a great moral teacher. But as CS Lewis said, he made other claims which, if they weren't true, render him about as capable to give moral advice as any old crazy person in a psych ward.

There's a difference between not taking the Bible that literally and ignoring vast swaths of it. Sure, Jesus was a great moral teacher. But as CS Lewis said, he made other claims which, if they weren't true, render him about as capable to give moral advice as any old crazy person in a psych ward.

Schaeffer's How Should We Then Live? greatly influenced my thinking when I was younger, and I still find its basic argument quite persuasive. It also opened me up to a world of fascinating art, movies, music, etc, that I probably wouldn't have experience (or experienced so young) otherwise - Sartre, Bergman, Bunuel,

Schaeffer's How Should We Then Live? greatly influenced my thinking when I was younger, and I still find its basic argument quite persuasive. It also opened me up to a world of fascinating art, movies, music, etc, that I probably wouldn't have experience (or experienced so young) otherwise - Sartre, Bergman, Bunuel,

I remember talking about the Narnia books with some friends in high school, and they wouldn't believe me that they were explicitly intended to be religious allegories! My jaw dropped. I can understand missing it when you read them at age 9 or 10, but not realizing at at 16 (especially because these people were at

I remember talking about the Narnia books with some friends in high school, and they wouldn't believe me that they were explicitly intended to be religious allegories! My jaw dropped. I can understand missing it when you read them at age 9 or 10, but not realizing at at 16 (especially because these people were at

Agreed, and this also goes for every single Christian I know.

Agreed, and this also goes for every single Christian I know.

Kind of a weird reason to stop going to a Lutheran church - the Roman Catholic liturgy is almost identical to a standard Lutheran liturgy. Certainly much closer than other Reformed churches.

Kind of a weird reason to stop going to a Lutheran church - the Roman Catholic liturgy is almost identical to a standard Lutheran liturgy. Certainly much closer than other Reformed churches.

What about Adventures in Odyssey??

What about Adventures in Odyssey??

Hey man, do you want to hang out sometime? I feel like we'd get along really well.