
Oh, also, I really enjoyed this episode, and half season as a whole. Watching these scenes of Neal and Mozzie discussing what they want out of life, and seeing Peter fight against his inclination to trust Neal, I thought to myself that this is so much more compelling a throughline than the music box ever was.

I have to say
Kenny, I really appreciate your write-ups on this show because you really like it, and you want it to be fun and as good as it can be. Your enthusiasm seeps through your writing, and it's a big reason why I make it a point to check out your recaps.

ending it properly
I believe the final fifth season is almost already in the can. So much for giving the creative team time to end it properly.

I've seen it. To switch back, they decide the have to pee into the fountain again. Only problem is, the fountain's been relocated and no one knows where it is! ZOMG!

There's no penis in it. There are close ups of Leslie Mann's boobs and butt, and possibly Olivia Wilde's nipples (could be a body double.)

Not saying that religious fundamentalism (and Christian fundamentalism in particular) isn't dangerous, but Brevik was a different kind of fundamentalist. He calls himself a Christian atheist, a term that has practically no meaning in America (and only a little bit of meaning in Europe.) If anything, maybe he should've

@spicoli - Mako sang on Broadway, and can be heard on the cast recording of Sondheim's Pacific Overtures.

Sorry, in the above post, I meant season premieres/finales on FX.

And several of the season premieres and/or finales were about an hour of show as well, in 90 minute slots.

The first episode was about 58. The second and third were more like 50-52.

I would love to see that! I mentioned his Cyrano below.

Burgess knew musicals
He wrote a Tony-winning musical version of Cyrano de Bergerac that ran on Broadway in the 1970s with Christopher Plummer. Not the greatest thing ever, but the score does include one astonishingly beautiful song - the only place where the musical really equals (or betters) the play.

I actually really enjoyed it
I found it, if not moving, then at least surprisingly compelling. I was pretty riveted to the screen for most of the running time, and I thought it ended nicely as well.

Exactly! I completely agree.

Some very witty turns of phrase, yes. But so many mis-accented and slant-rhymed lyrics.

Love this movie!
I fully acknowledge that is very stagey and some performances are over the top, but it's so darn quotable, and I love almost all the songs, even with their not-great lyrics. I have to say, it's never seemed too long to me. Has anyone seen the three-hour cut that was released on laserdisc?

I thought it was ok. Not really a horror movie, but some nice thriller moments. The acting was pretty good all around.

Jessica Hynes
Only funny in the first series of Spaced? I'm confused by that.

It doesn't get better. Some characters get less annoying, some get much moreso. If you don't like it now, give it a few more episodes. After that, if you still don't like it, you probably never will.

How about Jeremy Rhys Meyers?