James d.

This sucks
I get the people who are saying it's not a tragedy, per se, and the people who say, oh, he wasn't so famous. But look, he was a funny guy, who was known to a pretty decently sized TV audience from Comedy Central alone (forget live shows), and he was just 44 years old.
It just sucks, sucks, sucks, that's he

Max's new band
Apparently, he can't be too busy with his big band; he canceled his D.C. show.

I thoroughly enjoy the show for Bradley Whitford and just some ridiculous good fun. The reviews have been great, too. Hope you can keep them up, but understandable if not. This Friday timeslot is murder.

Someday after the apocalypse, historians will, well, not really look back at TV at all, having other things to worry about. But if they do, they will note, "What kind of civilization didn't do more with a wonderful talent like Maura Tierney?"

There is no show in the world that's wasted viewers' time more in the past couple of years as "Bones" or more successfully botched season finales every year. But "Castle" the show, while pleasantly, mindlessly enjoyable, makes "Bones" look like "North By Northwest" — with less sex, somehow.

Didn't expect to like "Accelerate," but very much did. There's no reason the band would have to be that upbeat, that energetic, but they did. And it didn't sound forced — maybe took a little effort, but hell, that's allowed.

Revealing and rewarding recurring themes
Well, I think I hit "cancel" the first time. Ugh.
Two interesting running themes are subtle but evident in these episodes, and they're especially interesting considering "NewsRadio"'s staff had a public dislike of "arcs" and continuing plot lines.
1. Beth was often the surrogate

And he's much of the funny behind "Zoolander" (and if you hated "Zoolander," he's much of the saved-it-from-being-worse). For a brief career, it had striking highs. But obviously, another dark moment for a show with plenty of them.

Two things: It's not difficult to forget "AD." We should all have the DVDs. Also, most of the quotes, and even whole transcripts, are at The-OP.com. Like the "Pop-Pop attic" quote: http://the-op.com/ref/ee2.p…

I know 90.7 and 7.3 only add up to 98%. But Jenny Wade is worth 2%, as that's about as many minutes of screen time she gets each week.

Entertainment value
I'm thrilled to finally have a show that I can watch, thoroughly enjoy (even if it's in that 90.7/7.3 Whitford/bad-ass song formula) and not worry about the ramifications.
Sure, would it be great if it kept being an entertaining show while adding a deeper dramatic element. Or, on the comedy side, if

It is on one of the Season 2 commentaries, I believe, as that was when Paul Simms was having more success getting all the actors to return to comment — one of the best is whatever episode has no writers, just Foley, Root, Rogan and Dick.
If I remember from the "Less Than Perfect" discussion, Andy indicated