
Frank killing Peter was foreshadowed earlier in the series when Peter shows up drunk at Frank's house. After giving him aspirin, Frank tells Peter that aspirin makes the blood thinner and then gives him a razor blade while he's in the bathtub and tells him the proper way to slit his wrists. That plot point did not

I don't know if you are male or female @avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus  but male writers (like myself) tend to avoid writing sex scenes like the plague. My theory on the subject is that there is a conscious/subconscious thought in the male psyche that if an author's sex scenes are bad, he is also bad

I haven't read the book but the description of Norris' character seems rather dark and evil for CBS. I wonder if this means that they are going to attempt to lighten the tone of the novel in the series.

"You've Got Mail" is one of those movies that if I am channel surfing I'll put it on and watch no matter where they are in the film. It's a cute film but I associate it more with what was happening in my life at the time.

Just imagine the dramatic possibilities: Someone sitting somewhere in a dimly-lit room staring blankly at their monitor with glazed eyes and fingers covered in Cheetos dust clicking and clicking on their crops that are dangerously close to dying from not being watered when all of a sudden the clock announces the time.

I have two recommendations @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  :

Happy Birthday!

I would watch an IG-88 spin-off film if David Cronenberg was directing.

This is the final sign right? The apocalypse has truly begun?

I'm on episode 5 now and there is really only one aside that I thought played well and it's in episode 3. Getting further into the series I tend to notice them less, but they are still largely a negative distraction. When Spacey takes an aside and tells us that he's using another congressman to accomplish something he

Two episodes in, I am already wondering just why I am watching this show. Spacey is a great actor but every time he breaks the fourth wall and directly addresses the audience kills any momentum the show manages to build by having the characters actually doing something instead of Spacey telling us how evil his plans

Teenage Riots don't pay as well as they used to.

Congrats @avclub-ee5bfdf797c80ececac6473cf1e8407d:disqus ! That's awesome!

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus I'm writing something of a period piece as well and I've found making a playlist of popular songs from that time helps me a lot while I'm writing.

Edith has always been my favorite Grantham, but this episode had me yelling "FOR FUCK'S SAKE" over and over again. Matthew standing up 'for what he believes in' worked in the first season and most of the second but now he's contrary purely for plot points. I do know what Saraiya is referring to with her last Stray

All of the characters' karaoke performances were awesome. I especially enjoyed Ray and Charlie's version of "House of the Rising Sun." This was an awkwardly-paced episode but Dunham seems to write for the season, not necessarily episode to episode. Looking forward to next week and the rest of the season.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Jurassic P4k?

You and me both, @avclub-71348decaf1df2bb85be2ece24cc2a1d:disqus  . You and me both.

@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus First, I wanted to say thank you for your Criterion suggestions last week. My favorite was "Blue" and was such a beautiful experience overall I am beyond glad I spent the time watching it. Do you have any suggestions of films like that one? (I have seen the "Color