
ABC: "We've been out of original programming ideas for so long now, we blatantly steal ideas from other networks because why not?"

Laugh all you want, but the third act of Target's "Falling For You" had me in tears.

Laugh all you want, but the third act of Target's "Falling For You" had me in tears.

"Louie" is a show worth waiting for. Yes, it sucks that 2013 will be Louie-free but I would rather C.K. spend the time writing and producing the best possible show he can without having to look at the clock every few minutes as a deadline he didn't set gets closer and closer.

"Louie" is a show worth waiting for. Yes, it sucks that 2013 will be Louie-free but I would rather C.K. spend the time writing and producing the best possible show he can without having to look at the clock every few minutes as a deadline he didn't set gets closer and closer.

Rancid: "Fuck you, recession!!"

Rancid: "Fuck you, recession!!"

Humankind lasting until 11/25/15 is the final "Charlie Brown almost kicks the football, but doesn't"

Humankind lasting until 11/25/15 is the final "Charlie Brown almost kicks the football, but doesn't"



Why doesn't Batman dance anymore?

Why doesn't Batman dance anymore?

The "Grindhouse" vibe was nice until I noticed a laptop and then seconds later, a smartphone. Using that aesthetic in filming a movie today in order to make it look like it's from that era is one thing, but this just seems like a lame attempt to be hip.

The "Grindhouse" vibe was nice until I noticed a laptop and then seconds later, a smartphone. Using that aesthetic in filming a movie today in order to make it look like it's from that era is one thing, but this just seems like a lame attempt to be hip.

@avclub-81fc53c51059936bda7ac43bdcb32449:disqus @avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus  Reposted Avenged Sevenfold Comments has been back for a couple weeks now. He or She is keeping the commenting on the dl this time so finding a comment feels like finding a winning lottery ticket. Reposted even responded to

@avclub-81fc53c51059936bda7ac43bdcb32449:disqus @avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus  Reposted Avenged Sevenfold Comments has been back for a couple weeks now. He or She is keeping the commenting on the dl this time so finding a comment feels like finding a winning lottery ticket. Reposted even responded to

And I'd be willing to argue even more so now. I am sure everyone in the comments section knows someone who has been diagnosed with some kind of intolerance lately. If I had a dollar every time someone posted that they just found out that they are gluten-intolerant on FB, commenting at the A.V. Club would be my

And I'd be willing to argue even more so now. I am sure everyone in the comments section knows someone who has been diagnosed with some kind of intolerance lately. If I had a dollar every time someone posted that they just found out that they are gluten-intolerant on FB, commenting at the A.V. Club would be my

[Safe] is one of my favorite movies of all time, but does anyone here know why it hasn't received a proper DVD release? Haynes continues to make great films and last time I checked Julianne Moore is still a great actress so I have no idea why the film isn't available (minus torrents, of course).