I thought it was a B+, A- at the most, and I still find the idea of comparing it to 300 ridiculous. Because 300 is straight-up terrible.
I thought it was a B+, A- at the most, and I still find the idea of comparing it to 300 ridiculous. Because 300 is straight-up terrible.
I thought it was a B+, A- at the most, and I still find the idea of comparing it to 300 ridiculous. Because 300 is straight-up terrible.
Damn your spoiling ass. Seriously, not cool, MarieR. Edit that shit so it doesn't exist, please.
Damn your spoiling ass. Seriously, not cool, MarieR. Edit that shit so it doesn't exist, please.
I could have done without the North and MY DRAGONS altogether. It would be hilarious to slap them in as one-minute exposition right at the end of this season. Make it Tyrion and Varys, over a beer:
I could have done without the North and MY DRAGONS altogether. It would be hilarious to slap them in as one-minute exposition right at the end of this season. Make it Tyrion and Varys, over a beer:
I think that confirmed that for me this show just isn't 'A' material. That was written and shot like a big deal, but all I could think was 'oooh, she's going to murder the blonde one'.
I think that confirmed that for me this show just isn't 'A' material. That was written and shot like a big deal, but all I could think was 'oooh, she's going to murder the blonde one'.
To add to that… if I was criticising Mr McGee, based on the above I'd say the problem is more that he used a review of a single episode to give his opinion of a whole season. But… eh, it's still a valid point.
To add to that… if I was criticising Mr McGee, based on the above I'd say the problem is more that he used a review of a single episode to give his opinion of a whole season. But… eh, it's still a valid point.
I don't think he's saying we should have seen all the other characters… I think it's that, if this is the big moment, the fact that it doesn't involve them suggests that they're not that important to the season as a whole. And while I think that's unfair on this episode, which works precisely because it's more…
I don't think he's saying we should have seen all the other characters… I think it's that, if this is the big moment, the fact that it doesn't involve them suggests that they're not that important to the season as a whole. And while I think that's unfair on this episode, which works precisely because it's more…
The Axon on the left has Tom Baker's hair AND mad starey eyes. Coincidence, or premonition?
The Axon on the left has Tom Baker's hair AND mad starey eyes. Coincidence, or premonition?
Question for y'all: how many people have read the novelisations for most of these, but not actually seen the shows? I filled at least one bookshelf with Dr Who novelisations, but as we never had a video player I watched maybe… one of the stories? (Day of the Daleks, if you're wondering. Shit was awesome.) Oh, and…
Question for y'all: how many people have read the novelisations for most of these, but not actually seen the shows? I filled at least one bookshelf with Dr Who novelisations, but as we never had a video player I watched maybe… one of the stories? (Day of the Daleks, if you're wondering. Shit was awesome.) Oh, and…
OK, if I'm being completely honest, I'll add that I loved Battlefield, Greatest Show in the Galaxy and Silver Nemesis too. I don't think the internet is convinced about their merits, but my pre-double-digits self was perhaps not as discerning/picky as the internet.
OK, if I'm being completely honest, I'll add that I loved Battlefield, Greatest Show in the Galaxy and Silver Nemesis too. I don't think the internet is convinced about their merits, but my pre-double-digits self was perhaps not as discerning/picky as the internet.