Albert Knob Kardashian

Sony stuck its finger in their no-no!

That cloud city was run by Calrissians.

That cloud city was run by Calrissians.

Did you inflect sarcasm just now? Inflecting is soooooo sarcastic.

Did you inflect sarcasm just now? Inflecting is soooooo sarcastic.

"Stop pointing your ass at my eyeballs" is going to be used QUITE a bit by me.

"Stop pointing your ass at my eyeballs" is going to be used QUITE a bit by me.

I sue you for threeve. A combination of three and five.

I sue you for threeve. A combination of three and five.

What a pussy.

What a pussy.



There will be an all-female spin-off about women who don't get laid anymore called "Lost Vags".


Nick Stahl. Where is he? I don't know, I don't know…

That had an odd cadence to it.

Clear liquor is for rich women on diets.

You mean gherkins?

Instead of a ballet school, it's a nursery.