
Wait, so Chronicle is getting a reboot?

Perhaps Mara Jade can appear as a sultry assassin with a past.

Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex! No capes!

Vagina dentata, no less. I'd think that might make Dik shrivel a touch.

The Slave I ship makes all the more sense, even!

Quentin Tarantino should get in on this one-off Star Wars film biz and make Jango Unchained.

I saw! It helped me appreciate my own ample man-ass for the thing of beauty that it is. *single tear*

Ample man-ass, no less.

Vin Diesel XXX or the porn parodies of Bond films? Like "Secretly Servicing Her Majesty" and "Octopussy," which really can't have a more pornographic name.

One more reason to visit the majestic land of Poland.

The "misunderstood" house

And the Bourne films

Quantum of Solace sure as hell didn't help.

Iron Man 3? Totally.

Craft Services

"Having never met the Dreyfuses, would you confirm for me the exact members of the household and their names?"