SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Yup. My thought was that he represented the interests of the 'other parties' that Bishop was meeting at the barn and that he wasn't there to necessarily help Bishop, but to remind him that he shouldn't expose them to save himself.

Hey, O?

I like him. And unlike some others what I like about him IS the fact that he seems like such a nice guy. He's not my favorite comic but I generally enjoy his shows and I think he's a good podcast guest. Now his own podcast I have given up on because it falls into this odd in-between world that's not quite interview

This is way, way aside from your point, but I'm sorry that misogyny has been relegated to a synonym for sexism. I know guys who are sexist, but very few of them hate women.

I listen to all three, but it took me a loooong time to get into The Flop House. I'd still rate We Hate Movies higher, but I've finally developed an appreciation for it. It was someone here who recommended that I just keep listening, since a lot of what they do is self-referential and pulling from old bits and

Seth Stevenson (Stephesen?) went on an exteded hiatus and I think the feature never recovered.

But not unSTIMulated, amirite folks? Eh? High Five? Anyone? Anyone?


Hole lee fuck. I spaced that he was December. All I could think was that he should be saying "Yes mahm." over and over. As I've been watching Intelligence all winter.

Hole lee fuck. I spaced that he was December. All I could think was that he should be saying "Yes mahm." over and over. As I've been watching Intelligence all winter.

Holy shit, I forgot I even saw Lockout, that's how forgettable it is. But yeah, a surprising amount of fun while it's on. Guy Pearce is obviously enjoying himself immensely. Reminded me a little of Clive Owen in Shoot 'em Up, but without some of that craziness.

Holy crap, you're right.

For me, how long that took was where I lost it.
"Don't ask me about my business, Claire."
"I didn't ask."
"Good. Don't ask."
"I wasn't going to."
*Luke finally closes the door*

"I thought your kind was usually called a fruit …" I honestly hate myself a little for laughing at that line, but it will always stick with me because the first time I saw the movie I was too young to get it. Took me years to figure it out.

Are you saying that McCarthy HAS written himself into a corner with his wacky/sad distopia schtick, or that he is still interesting and successful in spite of this obsession? Part of me agrees with one interpretation and part with the other …

The Descent was great. I'd throw 28 Days Later in there as well. I think in general, it's been a rough 10 years for US horror, but not exactly horror in general, what with [REC], The Host and more.

Unfortunately, between them was The Neighbors and a weaker-than-usual epiosde of Modern Family. But these two were strong enough to almost make up for it.

Unfortunately, between them was The Neighbors and a weaker-than-usual epiosde of Modern Family. But these two were strong enough to almost make up for it.

Tom Hanks tole me diff'runt.

Tom Hanks tole me diff'runt.