SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

I just caught this and I like your idea that he's a Christ-like figure near them the whole time. It did seem like the few characters who had a good death/end were the ones who either came to peace within themselves (the chieftan's son or the priest) or sacrifice themselves (One-Eye). It certainly isn't spelled out too

As long as Pitt doesn't fall into the miscast as leading-man roles, he is usully great. He is the definition of a great sideman/character actor who keeps getting shoved front and center.

As long as Pitt doesn't fall into the miscast as leading-man roles, he is usully great. He is the definition of a great sideman/character actor who keeps getting shoved front and center.

Just a Nigga that Likes 'Splosions?

Just a Nigga that Likes 'Splosions?

Sal's was replaced by a Domino's a long time ago.

Sal's was replaced by a Domino's a long time ago.

I've developed quite a tan this summer. Can I find him mildly distasteful?

I've developed quite a tan this summer. Can I find him mildly distasteful?

I was honestly pretty excited about ONoffON when it came out, but mostly in a "hey, these guys can still rock!" kind of way. The Obliterati is by far my favorite of their new records. I am still looking forward to this one, review aside.

I was honestly pretty excited about ONoffON when it came out, but mostly in a "hey, these guys can still rock!" kind of way. The Obliterati is by far my favorite of their new records. I am still looking forward to this one, review aside.

Wow. That was phenomenal.

Wow. That was phenomenal.

Well, there is a line about an enema. Which could be … worse.

Well, there is a line about an enema. Which could be … worse.

It did have Chiwetel Ejiofor in it, but he was in the wrong half! The trajedy or drama half of that movie was hideously awful. The comedy part was acceptable but the other part made what was enjoyable unbearable.

It did have Chiwetel Ejiofor in it, but he was in the wrong half! The trajedy or drama half of that movie was hideously awful. The comedy part was acceptable but the other part made what was enjoyable unbearable.

@avclub-b6295f9a8b2d34f30d97c042a431dd6e:disqus , if you do that you get to see Emily Mortimer. YEEEAAHHH!

@avclub-b6295f9a8b2d34f30d97c042a431dd6e:disqus , if you do that you get to see Emily Mortimer. YEEEAAHHH!

Abraham Lincoln: Bitch Hunter!! *