SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Hot dog!

That's a good fucking point. At least with Hank it makes sense he'd want to share. I mean, Hank saw a couple o' beasts. With Juliette he could have used the explanation you sketched out there. One assumes that Grimms in the past have kept the secrets and sometimes married outsiders.

That's a good fucking point. At least with Hank it makes sense he'd want to share. I mean, Hank saw a couple o' beasts. With Juliette he could have used the explanation you sketched out there. One assumes that Grimms in the past have kept the secrets and sometimes married outsiders.

Do you mean sexxenbeast? Heh heh heh. Oy.

Do you mean sexxenbeast? Heh heh heh. Oy.

Nick's fighting skills I'm able to swallow, because I see it as him accepting who he is. But the false leads and teases are really starting to annoy me. Not enough to drop the show but enough to complain about.

Nick's fighting skills I'm able to swallow, because I see it as him accepting who he is. But the false leads and teases are really starting to annoy me. Not enough to drop the show but enough to complain about.

Agreed almost completely. I liked the action. I like that pasty Nick is finally turning into badass Nick. But to have them pull the rug out right as they were about to pull another character into the mystery (Juliette), just blew. I hate the coins and I hated all the flashbacks while Nick tried to spill the beans to

Agreed almost completely. I liked the action. I like that pasty Nick is finally turning into badass Nick. But to have them pull the rug out right as they were about to pull another character into the mystery (Juliette), just blew. I hate the coins and I hated all the flashbacks while Nick tried to spill the beans to



That sounds interesting. It reminds me of the This American Life segment about the script that became Dirty Dancing 2. It sounds like a horrible experience to see a script butchered to the point of unrecognizability.

That sounds interesting. It reminds me of the This American Life segment about the script that became Dirty Dancing 2. It sounds like a horrible experience to see a script butchered to the point of unrecognizability.

Christ, the lead-up to that was painful. His boss offering the handshake and him going in for the hug while sobbing. But Danny cracking up while telling it made it digestable.

Christ, the lead-up to that was painful. His boss offering the handshake and him going in for the hug while sobbing. But Danny cracking up while telling it made it digestable.

She fainted before she could even click on the review.

Ha! A Victorian Brazilian.

Do they rent said ape out for parties?

While we're on the subject of his characters, wasn't it Len Malt Balls, not Moth Balls?

It would be a bummer, but I agree that their troubles were not magically solved. For one thing, Avery cannot say "kissed my mother" without squeaking.