
New reviewer? I like this guy a lot more than previous writers. Game reviews that aren't boring, what a treat!

Are we all just pretending that Cloverfield wasn't awesome now? Because that movie was pretty awesome.

Southland Tales is great if you watch it under the right circumstances. Man, it's insane

Joe Arpaio: worst person in America? I say no, Clarence Thomas is the worst. But bottom (top?) 5, for sure.

Also, guards will die if you bend their ragdolls in weird ways - you'll break their necks.

I can't tell if this is a troll. I hope it is

Most people don't get in fights because most people aren't 8 years old.

Still using Internet Explorer? What is this, Soviet Russia?

That didn't really work out for Doom, and that movie had Karl Urban

Joe Buck is the most boring announcer on Earth

You're right, that totally makes up for the complete lack of evidence and motive

Comparing grades is dumb, but Jersey Shore is way better than the snoozefest that was Benjamin Button

Just want to say thank you for pointing out that scene exists

He held the elevator for that guy

I don't like Prisoner of Azkaban as a story as much as some of the other books, but the film is my favourite of the series. Alfonso Cuaron is the best director they ever had, I'm surprised a guy like that would sign on to a project like Harry Potter. He even made the time turner plot work, and it's the

Jonathan Goldstein is the best, and you're crazy if you disagree. He has a show on the CBC called "Wiretap" and it's incredible if you're into that sort of thing. He plays an exaggerated version of himself, and the show is really like nothing else on radio. I can't recommend it enough, especially for comedy

Not if you knew anything about terrorism or nuclear security. There's no way al-Qaeda could build a nuke, they would have to buy one. From whom? And how would they transport it? And how would they detonate it?

She didn't do it because she has a retarded kid, she just did it for the money.

Also, re: insulting Obama's economic record. You guys realize it's Congress that has to do economic policy, right? Obama's an awesome President, but he can't do everything. America would actually do better without a separation of powers between the legislative and the executive (like most other democratic countries)

Sir Osis, I'm a reporter who covers politics, economics, and the national media. I assure you my stances do not come from ignorance or a lack of community engagement; rather, the opposite is true. I see massive social problems and government failures every day, it's quite literally my job. Your ideas are informed by