Slough Hilton

I do not get this expectation that Brad Bird will somehow turn this lameass movie franchise into something worthwhile. I understand people around here like the man's cartoons — and he was involved in some of the best Simpsons episodes ever — but that was like 20 motherfucking years ago, and the sensibilities between

Wow … I kind of want to see these movies now. Or at least, certain parts of them.

I don't think it would've been that hard to market Gigli. It's got Jennifer Lopez, right? Well, get that ass on a poster!

Of course not. Dude's married and, as much as I like the guy, not in her league at all. But let's just let these nerds have their fun with this strange, weird, creepy meme they got going.

That's it? A couple of angry penis references and you're outta here? Don't troll around here if that's the best game you got. I've had more interesting arguments with drunken Irishmen.

I don't even really like U2, and I'm definitely not Irish. I just felt compelled to mock you for ripping on them since doing so has become every bit as tired and unoriginal as you no doubt regard their music to be.

I believe any random Englishman would be just as eager to kick your ass for badmouthing U2. That is, if you weren't too engaged in a thorough examination of his penis to actually speak.

Well done. Your intimate knowledge of the textures and odors of an Irishman's penis clearly indicates you're not the pathetic, uncultured shut-in I assumed you were.

That's the real news item here, I think. It can't imagine it's ever happened before.

Hahaaaaa make that crack about U2 around a few drunken Irishmen … we'll see who's the 'tough guy' then.

Man, a top five that's got the putrid likes of Michael Bubble, Kelly Clarkson, and Toby Keith and it's Coldplay y'all are whinin' about?

Reminds me of classic Norm MacDonald … "Christie Brinkley told reporters this week that her marriage to Billy Joel was over long before their divorce. The key moment, she said, came when she realized that she was Christie Brinkley … and that she was married to Billy Joel."

Yeah, Tokyo Police Club is on a level that's just way above Nick Swardson, right?

Show me one ten-year-old who doesn't think Bob Dylan is shit.

Which doesn't change the fact that most stuff is — particularly the kind of stuff that his 10-year-old friends would embrace.

You're really thinking too hard about it. It's a great comic premise, and it's combined with a perfect way to shit on shitty Adam Sandler movies. Literally. It's comedy gold, and it isn't supposed to stand up to close scrutiny or philosophical ruminations because it's fucking SOUTH PARK.

Goddam, it's SOUTH PARK. They set the bar for "darker streak" like 15 years ago.

It was revolutionary from a business standpoint, since it introduced DRM to MP3 players, which, given the Napster kerfluffle of the early double-aughts, was a big deal. To record labels. Steve Jobs was a great corporate icon. If you're into that. If you're not, there's no reason to regard him as anything other than

The Wall Street Journal clearly had their obit queued up and ready to go. Which is no surprise, really.

eh, that's overreacting a bit. I agree they're just shiny toys with good marketing that somehow people felt they needed, but come on, the mindless jackasses who lapped that shit up didn't have that much mind to destroy.