Capn Morgan

Maybe in about seven years they'll cast Hiddleston as Wimsey in a BBC series.

God, that Oxford shit irritates me.

Guys called Ashley can't win wars.

And she's crying all the way to the fucking bank. There ain't no justice!

The big finale's music certainly gave no clue.

Agent Carter is a Marvel series.

I miss old-timey Civil War steampunk Anthony Stark.

This show will be beloved by everyone, from children of three to old men of thirty-three.

Who let you in here?

I don't doubt he's injured. But that's a setback rather than a gamebreaker. Do you think that Ragnar will allow a little thing like internal haemorrhaging distract him from the long game? He's going to stick with the plan even if he's dying.

I should have posted this observation here rather than above, but what the hell; the old deathbed conversion is probably next, followed by a Christian funeral service in an appropriate venue.

Deathbed baptism followed by Christian funeral? Think I've heard this one before.

Oh, really?

Random Person 2016! You know it makes sense!

Though, to be fair, she was very drunk at the timeā€¦

(sings) "Samwelle, Samwellllle!!!!"

But not, and this is important to remember, our bitch.

Freud would have a few words on that, I'm sure.

Octopothes? Octopothi?

Who's creepier? Furries or Teletubby slashfic writers? Discuss, with examples.