I'm pretty sure this is the definition of math rock.
I'm pretty sure this is the definition of math rock.
Solution: ##
I used to buy singles in middle school when my allowance could justify $2 singles but not a $12 album.
Something inside me feels bad when the bands I do like don't sell enough albums to justify making new music.
Look! Behind that yellow-shaped Eurobrick! It's a Lego!
Do you want to be in Her shoes?
I miss that time
In other news, I am a huge fan of R@d;0h*@d.
I can't remember a single "Undressed" storyline, but it premiered my freshman year in college and I remember it being the only thing of note on late at night in the dorms (wasn't its regular timeslot 11:30pm or something?).
Notorious went to #2 in early 1987.
West End Girls hit #1 in 1986.
Completely agree w/Killing Moon. And Under the Milky Way is perfect in the film too. The right mix of haunting and melancholy.
That song totally reminds me of 9/11. I feel like it was still on KROQ's playlist at the time. And it's an indie-er counterpoint to the Enya song.
And the James Franco life updates.
Keep your chin up, CNN.
Chef recommends!
The Lostfather
…and Ace of Base
The Girl Who Caught Fire, Played With It, Then Newmoonmockingjay
A from AA?